Shown out of order?

Has the show been broadcast out of order. I mean, last week Reba catches Sage and June one June's room and seemed to still think he was gay? Or did I miss something.


A few episodes ago, Sage told Reba he was not gay.


Yes; however, in this episode she seemed to still be working on her music career and did not seem to know he wasn't gay. Not to mention Sage's stepmom was still hiding her pregnancy.


We noticed that too. There were several things that seemed to point to this being shot as the second show, but they delayed it until now for whatever reason.

There was also the part where the kids complained about not fitting in when we know that they've adjusted relatively well after all these episodes.

There was also Reba drunk/passed out on the deck all night--pretty out of character for other things we've seen this season. But fresh off a divorce--that would make more sense.

There was no reference to the neighbor's baby, but that doesn't mean anything one way or the other.
