Holy Crap! This looks dreadful!

Saw the trailer when I went to go see Men In Black III and nobody was laughing. NOT EVEN THE BLACK PEOPLE WERE LAUGHING!!! The quality of it almost felt like a spoof trailer from Tropic Thunder. It's sad to see Eugene Levy get sucked into a piece of sh!t like this.

Summer Movie Season!
Last Seen: Men In Black III 7/10
Next To See: Piranha 3DD


i can't wait to see it.. you don't know a good movie if it bit you on the ass




Not really. There were actually a decent amount of people there.

Summer Movie Season!
Last Seen: That's My Boy 7.5/10
Next To See: Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter


I dunno why anyone would drop down ANY amount of money to see this movie.
