Demise of Unions

First off, great doc and very informative. I have a few picayune complaints but the nonsense about the demise of unions related to diminution of the middle class was odorous. Funny the guy never mentioned Detroit, a once thriving city destroyed by organized labor.

"He killed sixteen Czechoslovakians. Guy was an interior decorator."


That is one opinion. The other is that Detroit was destroyed by Globalization of the Auto industry. Yep - the Japanese and Germans built a better product and because the industry "corporate" leaders got lazy and focused on making money instead of great cars. I think we can also look at the oil industry and the destruction of the Electric Car which would have put the American auto industry in the lead a long time ago.

Blame the unions!!!! Nothing more that a *beep* Mountain" talking point.

BTW Reich has made this point many times over the years and this documentary was about economics not culture.



Destruction of the Electric car? You lost me.

"He killed sixteen Czechoslovakians. Guy was an interior decorator."


The GM EV1.

The main point being that if the Detroit car companies had any foresight and Management that was ready to take chances they would be way out in front of the curve building electric cars today and probably dominating most of the world market.



I can't remember the name, but I recently watched a documentary about the downfall of Detroit which was, if anything, fairly pro-union. Having said that, watching it you can clearly see a union negotiate themselves out of a job, and then complain about the evil CEO's moving the factory to Mexico.

I wouldn't say that the union's demands, considered in a vacuum, were unreasonable, but they were certainly unrealistic given the reality of the global economy. But their pride wouldn't let them compromise, and the factory shut down.

Noah's Ark is a problem.
