How is it?

For fans of Wodehouse, how is it? Does it stack up to Jeeves and Wooster?

If I cannot smoke cigars in heaven, I shall not go!


What ho, Bertie, old stick! Have a cig. Turkish or Virginian....? In re your question, it depends on who---or is it whom?---you ask. Some posters love the show. Others don't. The nay-sayers, if I may use the expression, find it beneath their contempt and about as entertaining as a rain-soaked blanc mange. Others, like myself, would docket it as admittedly silly but very funny indeed, with a hey nonny nonny and a hot-cha-cha. Outstanding comic cast, big fat pig, bizarre complications and what-not. Watch it yourself, old bean, and draw your own conclusions.

Toodle-pip and oh yes, and my regards to Jeeves...

