does dolph have bad knees??

it seemed like he was struggling to run in this movie


yea i noticed that. he could barley move. kind of killed the belief factor of his character and survival rate.


at best he lumbered !!

it reminded me of Richard Kiel in happy gilmore , he had just had surgery when they filmed that movie


His ankles were really bad.


I was gonna made a thread about this, they tried to cover it up the best they could but everytime he run its painfull to watch really. They use jump cuts and stunt doubles for some scenes, but in others you clearly see him "badly running".

Does kill the illusion of that super soldier he is supose to be. Beside that the movie ain't horrible, but it ain't stellar either, lots of shaky cam during zombie battles and such...

Alice is the worst character of all time, she need to die in the last movie. Chris/Jill are RE !!!


Oddly enough, If you go back and watch his old movies he runs like a refrigerator. He always looks weird running.


Really? I've never seen a refrigerator run before. Also did you see Dolph run in Rocky 4? He looked like a powerhouse to me.


Never seen a refrigerator run? Well, in addition to classic Bart Simpson phone pranking, there's this:
