MovieChat Forums > Haunted Highway (2012) Discussion > Louisiana Swamp Woman/Pioneer Cemetery

Louisiana Swamp Woman/Pioneer Cemetery

I love "Fact or Faked" and decided to give this show a try because of Jael and Devin. I think of all the paranormal shows, "Fact or Faked" is the most legit because it really goes out of the way to eliminate every other explanation before deciding that something is paranormal. I am not sure where I would put myself on the skeptic/believer scale...I guess I would say that I think there are things in the universe that we cannot explain but don't necessarily believe the explanations that many paranormal "investigators" come up with and, for the most part, these paranormal shows are good for a laugh but nothing much beyond that. I would say that the segments with Jack and Dana follow this pattern...

Now, Jael and Devin are different. I think they demonstrated that when they concluded that locals were screwing with them in the hairy man episode. This, particularly with bigfoot investigations, is something that I think happens a lot and people like Matt Moneymaker never, ever consider that. So last night's episode...honestly, it surprised me. The swamp lady part where that cold spot kept showing up following screeches yet they could never quite reach it was interesting. I am sure that someone could come up with an explanation but I couldn't. I would say that this segment was fairly high on the "unexplainable" scale but certainly didn't provide concrete proof.

However, the segment in the cemetery freaked me out. Perhaps the bit with the ball was some sort of coincidence...maybe there was a breeze that kicked up right in that one spot at the exact moment Jael went around the other side of the tree but I cannot explain the hot noose and the weird lady in a dress-shaped apparition. If I did not trust Devin and Jael, I would chalk it up to TV trickery and maybe my trust in them is misplaced but I don't know...why would they risk their relatively good reputation with a set up? I would love to hear what others have to say about this...can you explain it?


Yes, Fact or Faked is a good show, but the point of that show is to debunk some of the stuff believers think is real but is faked. Even on FoF, there are times they can't explain what happened, like when they were in the battle ship and the camera got knocked off the table that had a lip to prevent things from just slidding off it.

As for the bigfoot one, yes, the locals could have been being dicks and screwing with them, but that doesn't explain all the witnesses who have seen "something" and this leads me to believe there is something out there that no one actually knows about. I don't know about you, but when I go out to walk my dogs I don't bring my camera(nor phone half the time) with me, so if I ran into bigfoot, I couldn't get any picture proof. This is the case with a lot of the witnesses, they are out doing normal things where one would not normally have or take a camera with them, and they run into whatever it is they're seeing. So they only have visual proof.

There really is no explanation for a human shaped cold spot. Humans give off heat, so if it was a human, even if they were wrapped in something really cold, the heat would show through on the flir. And a human, no matter how well they knew the swamp, could not get around that fast to avoid being caught. So I believe they caught something legit.

As for the other part, I do think the ball could have been a fluke(though it could have actually been the ghost of the little boy) becuase the decoration Jael put up to show if there was wind was moving. It wasn't moving very much so there wasn't a lot of wind, but it could have been the wind.

All in all, you picked a good time to start watching. I too only started watching this because of Jael and Devin, wouldn't have otherwise. I do not like the investigations Jack and Dana do so was very happy to see an hour long Jael and Devin show. Dana freaks out over everything and Jack debunks basically everything, even if something is unexplainable, he debunks it, regardless of the fact that it can't be explained.

FYI, if you really think all most of these types of shows are good for is a laugh, try watching Ghost Adventures. They get some damn good proof at times while also debunking things if there is actually an alternate explanation. They don't believe everything they see, but they also don't debunk everything like shows like Ghost Hunters tend to do. Ghost Adventures is on the travel channel and you can catch it tomorrow night.

Minds are like books, they only function when open.


She is the same "investigator" from Destination Truth. She was dumped when Josh (that show's host) decided to start dating the flat-chested Ryder instead. He always has one such nitwit on every show to be a distraction from the fact they never find anything true. Until one of these shows finds something, they are just a pleasant distraction explaining what rumors are out there worldwide. I think Jack has taken the right tone in debunking everything because at least he is being honest rather than wide-eyed and screaming when the wind rustles through the grass


Nice mikey, love your being a jerk about Jael and Ryder for no reason. While I don't particularly like I Ryder, I don't hate her and wouldn't speak badly of her even if I did. And Jael is not a nitwit. Good God, what is wrong with you that you have to be so hostile over people you don't even know?

Josh and Jael never were dating, neither are he and Ryder currently dating. Ryder was on the show before Jael by the way. Ryder couldn't come back for season 3 and he needed another investigator so Jael was hired. Jael LEFT the show of her own accord. She needed a job while it was not filming and when it was picked up again, she was busy so could not come back. What is wrong with you people who think like this? Do people who act, or do shows like this, not need to make money just like the rest of us? Is this what you're thinking when you spew this kind of nonsense? They DO need to make money just like you and I and can't sit around waiting to find out if the show they WERE filming and was paying them(hence, giving them money) will be picked up again so they go out and find another job to give them the money they need. That is unless they're the big name actors who have been working for years and are filthy rich from getting paid thousands(or more) of dollars just to film one movie. I could see your attitude being valid if it was towards them, but it's not.

If you don't like the show, there's a simple solution to that little dilema. DON'T WATCH IT!

No, Jack has not taken the right tone. With that attitude nothing would ever be found. Jack and Dana irritate me because Dana has no clue what she is doing and freaks out over everything(yes, Jael freaks out but not as much as Dana does) and Jack doesn't believe in anything regardless of what he says to the contrary.

Minds are like books, they only function when open.



Seriously flamingo, do you even know the meaning of the word rude? I never said I had anything against you being critical of people, I said I had something against you being RUDE for no reason. Big F'ing difference there. I was not rude, you were! Now get a fricken clue will you?

Minds are like books, they only function when open.



I truly think you don't know how to differentiate properly. You can be critical wihout being rude, which is where you and I differ. What you have been saying on the other board has been on the rude side verging on very rude at times. I have never said anything rude about the people on this show. Saying you dislike someone is not rude, saying "they look stupid"(paraphrasing so don't get upset here) is rude. Learn how to differentiate properly will you?

Minds are like books, they only function when open.



I guess I can't agree that investigations are actually taking place in any of these shows. There are no peer-agreed parameters, professional methodologies or controlled observations or peer review of the evidence to bolster the people in the field. (Calling someone on the phone after-the-fact and asking their opinion is different from peer review.) All of the so-called evidence is not evidence. It is data. All of the so-called investigations are subjective and opinionated.

But I guess all of this is due to the nature of paranormal investigations. How do you establish parameters for a ghost? Or a ufo? Or a poltergeiest? (I think bigfoots are different. You could establish parameters and establish a methodology and do controlled observations and perform other scientific method techniques. Of course, that is NOT the way Moneymaker does it, of course. Running around screeching in the woods is anything but investigation. It is painful to watch him continually make a fool of himself.)

Now, how am I qualified to make these observations? I am not a professional scientist. I just paid attention in college chemistry and biology as to what the scientific method is. Now for those who say you cannot apply the scientific method to these investigations underscores the point that these are not scientific phenomenon.

What I DO admire about these shows is the commitment of the principles to try to find what they are looking for. For these folks to go charging toward an unknown creature, phenomenon or danger is, I think, courageous. (If I were on one of these show, on the other hand, I would run in the opposite direction, yelling, "Hey you guys, there's something back there. YOU go and look"!) And they do this regardless of how frightened they are. We can see the terror in this faces.

I like to watch the shows, and I root for the teams. I am waiting for the episode where they--I hope it's Jael and Devin, or Josh--as they're looking for ufo evidence, bump into a bigfoot.


Bigfoot is one think that I simply cannot believe in. The only bigfoot evidence that is unexplainable to me is that old film. Now, I know that several people have come forward to say that they were the one on the costume but the guys who filmed it went to their grave swearing it was real. The thing about that specific film that gets me is that the very best and most expensive Hollywood films of the time could not come even close to matching that if it was a costume. I saw one show that broke it down, frame by frame and you could see the musculature rippling under the fur the way it does in real life. It's also interesting that the creature on that clip is obviously female, which is a strange choice if you were making a costume. To me, there are two possible explanations: the filmmakers somehow hooked up with someone (or a team of people) with extensive knowledge of primate anatomy and a skill at costume making that went above what the big budget films of the time. This is possible...maybe this person working in Hollywood but never had the help from someone with that level of knowledge about anatomy and never had the time and unlimited budget to make the best ape suit they could. The other option is that what was captured was among the last of whatever that was. There is simply no way that there exists a breeding population of a large primate in the US without anyone seeing it. And now, it's not just one species but a whole truck-load of sub-species popping up all over the US. It simply is not possible.

As for Moneymaker...guy's a joke. I swear, half the time the crap he hears is his own teammates who forgot to tell him they were doing a "call". If you want to prove to me that there is a large primate living in the US then do what real scientists do: set up a hunting blind or blanket the area with motion sensor cameras in an area with a bunch of reported sightings and observe for 6 months. That is what real scientists do and even nearly extinct, rarely seen animals have been viewed this way. From what I have read, people have done these types of studies for bigfoot and they all come up with nothing. Of course, Moneymaker and his kind say that it's because bigfoot is just too smart to be caught in that wort of set up...and then they lay out bacon, doughnuts and crying babydolls to trick him into showing himself. It's a riot!


How are the foot prints that have been found explainable then? Care to elaborate if the only "evidence" you find "unexplainable" is that old film. I find that more explainable then the foot prints that have been found.

And I love how you completely avoided addressing my first paragraph about watching Ghost Adventures. If you really think all these shows are good for is a laugh, as I already stated, check out Ghost Adventures and see if that's all you get from it.

Minds are like books, they only function when open.


I think the vast majority of "prints" are misidentification. I've seen Moneymaker and co do it plenty of times. The others are likely hoaxes. It simply does not add up. At first it was just Nor Cal and the Pac NW but now it seems that we have sightings in every single state of the country. At a time when wildlife and humans are encroaching on each others territory more and more there is still not a single bit of real evidence that Bigfoot exists.: We aren't talking about intangible things like ghosts or other such phenomenon...we know EXACTLY how to study animals in the set up a blind or cameras and you watch/monitor 24/7 for months on end. This has been done with Bigfoot and it did not yield results. In this day and age to have no definative video evidence, no remains,no scat does not add up. I am not saying that it never existed just that it no longer does and absolutely not in the numbers necessary to support as many as would need to exist to be so widespread. As for the tales of First NationTribes, they have myths and legends just like we doesn't make it any more real than any other cultures mythology.
I didn't respond regarding the ghost show recommendation because I haven't watched so have nothing to say about it.


With some of the prints there is no way they could be a "mis-identified" bear print, which is the most likely animal to have prints that look similar. They foot prints found are too big and too human looking and with the descriptions of big foot, they fit.

Yes, we have the idiots over here in the US who think its "fun" to hoax big foot and other cryptids, but in other countries, like Nepal and the Yeti, they really believe in the creature and I can't see them hoaxing anything just to "make outsiders believe". On this season of Destination Truth Josh and crew went to a South American country(I believe it was in SA at least, can't remember for sure) where the locals were reporting a big foot like creature. They found some damn good foot print evidence there. And these people are the same to me as the Nepal people, that is, not likley to hoax something they truly believe in just to make others believe.

I figured you hadn't watched Ghost Adventures, but that is why I recommended you watch it and then say the same thing you've already said. Most people would acknowledge that and say they'll check it out. And you really should before deciding all shows like it are just good for a laugh.

My mind will remain open to the possibilities of other life out there, whether on Earth or Alien life, until there is definitive proof to the contrary.

And by the way jporter, I saw a UFO when I was a teenager. UFO means "unidentified flying object" so yes, it's a big spectrum for UFO's. But I swear I saw one, really bright single light far up in the sky, moving way too fast to be a plane and there was no noise. So as with the above, until there is definitive proof to the contrary, I believe there could be Alien life out there.

With all the other life forms that have been discovered, new fish species(even one thought to be extinct), a new shark species(I know, sharks are a type of fish, but it's still a new species) and amphibians(frogs and I think a salamander thought to be extinct), how can you discount the possibility of other unknown creatures existing? I for one, can't. There is too much we don't know about this world, too much left to discover as evidenced by what I just stated.

Minds are like books, they only function when open.


I never said that it was a misidentified bear print. Most of those prints are found in mud or snow. It would be very easy for two people walking around ( people do walk barefoot in places where others don't) in the mud: the first person steps into the mud, which is squishy so it makes a larger print than normal...maybe he even slips a bit. Then the next person comes behind and just happens to step in that persons' footstep in a way that obliterates the original heel print of he first so the print is longer than a human and possibly wider due to slippage. If it continues to rain or is near a river, those parameters can become even more defined. The same is true in the snow, but even more so. I have actually done the first...not on purpose but on accident playing around in the mud. My friend and I giggled about making a "bigfoot" print.

It disturbs me that there seems to be no consistency with these supposed prints: some have five toes, some have four...some seem to have that fifth toe as an opposable thumb-like appendage, others look just like a human print but bigger...some are big, flat flipper-like things, others longer with a discernible arch and most of the casts I have seen have only the vaguest appearance of a foot at all.

Every single culture since the beginning of time has had members that are duplicitous, liars, greedy, manipulative. Being Nepalese or First Nation doesn't hold any sort of exemption. These shows don't do any sort of survey of the entire population so we don't know how many people believe the stories to be true or just another part of their cultures mythology. Many of those who believe haven't actually seen it just heard stories, myths, legends even creation myths (as is the case with some First Nation tribes who claim to be descended from a hairy man). Those believes, no matter how long standing, are no more real than our own creation myth or things like the tooth fairy. We bestow upon some cultures like our own First Nation tribes or Nepalese, this kind of otherworldly mysticism that sometimes gets out of hand. Aren't they vulnerable to the same temptations that we are? Aren't members of those cultures able to think "Hey...that's a way to get some tourism dollars"? Of course they are. I'm not saying that this is what is going on all or even most of the time and I can buy that there was once such a creature or creatures but the discoveries that have been made in recent history are either in the ocean, which have unexplored depths or are small creatures that most people would not be able to distinguish from other closely related species or exist in one tiny place in the most remote of rainforests. With bigfoot we are talking about a very large carnivorous primate who is said to be in something like half the states and is so common that it is frequently seen by campers and hikers in areas that are popular for such activities and so therefore have a lot of human traffic and in many cases, like other wildlife, they are seen near where people live as we move more and more into the habitat of these animals. Yet...nothing. Nobody can explain this other than to say that they are elusive and try to stay away from people...but then they go up on someone's porch? It simply does not make sense.


And I never said you said it was a mis-identified bear print. I said that's about the only print that "could" be mis-identified as big foot as nothing else in the wild's of America has a human like foot print. Rain makes prints unidetifiable, not more identifiable. As it gets wet, it starts to go away. If it rains enough, the print will be obliterated or made out to be a big blob. I just don't buy that in all the locations that foot prints have been found that it's a simple "human made" foot print, whether on accident or on purpose.

Well, my explanation about the water explains some of the things that bother you about the prints that have been found. And you have to remember, different prints are found in different areas/countries, so it's feasible they're real. Like I already said, my mind will remain open to the possibility until there is defnitive proof big foot does not exist.

Umm, who said big foot was carnivorous? Apes are typcially omnivors, meaning they eat both plant matter and meat(when they feel like it or can catch something). So why would big foot be any different?

Minds are like books, they only function when open.


I'm not sure what your point is about the bear print...first you said that's the only possibility for a misidentified print, then you said you didn't say that and then you repeated it but whatever. As for rain being responsible for the anatomical differences, that is simply silly. As you said, some of those prints are clear as day so why would rain keep the print completely intact but move one toe to make it like an opposable thumb or just lop off a toe? It wouldn't and if you think that explains the differences you are just reaching too much.
You are right...I should have been more careful about my word choice when it comes to big foots diet...he probably eats other things besides meat but the sheer supposed size of him means that he requires a ton of protein. That, combined with the number of animals that would be necessary in order to be responsible for such a wide spread breeding population makes it so, so unlikely.
I notice you simply chose to ignore my comments about why truly scientific, long term observation consistently fails to capture any evidence. It makes zero sense that so many people have seen Bigfoot yet one has never been seen on such watches. He cannot be both everywhere yet so elusive that we can't develop any real evidence. And how is it that there hasn't ever been a body or remains found?
Don't kid yourself...your mind is not open. You have made up your mind that Bigfoot exists despite there being no indisputable evidence...that's more like religion than science.


I never said that it was a misidentified bear print.
That is what you said and then I replied that I never said YOU said that. Yes, I said it! You did not and I never said you did which is what you implied in the post I replied to, that I said you said it. Is that clear enough for you?

And you're reading more into things then you really should be. My mind IS open to the possibility of big foot and other things, whereas your's clealry is not. Where did I say "big foot is real?" Please point that out to me. I'm trying to discuss this topic with you nicely, but it's getting hard. Your mind is clearly made up there is no big foot out there whereas, like I said, mine is open to the possibility. That's not me saying "big foot exists," that's me admitting I don't know but that there could be something out there and I won't close myself off to that possibility until there is proof there is no such thing as big foot. All the sighthings couples with the prints make it hard to say for a fact that there is nothing out there.

As for your scientific part, I'm not a scientist but I know very well animals can be, and are, elusive at times, so it makes perfect sense to me. Anyone who knows animals would know this and big foot, if they exist, is an animal so is not an exception. I don't have a problem with this.

I don't practice religion thank you. And by the way, that statement makes no sense! "Despite there being no indisputable evidence, my mind is made up?" What does that even mean? What evidence is there to say for a fact there are no big foot? Dead wildlife isn't always found because other wildlife eat them. Wolves crack open bones to eat the marrow and in so doing can scatter the bones, so can birds by picking at the leavings. I believe Pumas/Cougars/Mountain Lions(take your pick on the name) also eat bone marrow. If broken up this way, out in the middle of the forest, how likley is it something would be found? After a while, bones become brittle and crack up, can get buried by nature and probably many other things I can't think of at this moment. This is reason enough that bodies haven't been found(if there is something out there). You obviously don't know much about wildlife if you're on that kick. There is no definitive proof either way, so you can't say for a fact big foot does not exist, like I have not said for a fact it does exist.

Minds are like books, they only function when open.


First off, if I say that the footprints are frequently identified and you come back that the only possibility for misidentification is bear, then you are saying that the misidentified prints that I was referring to were bear prints. But that is really neither here nor there...

You have it, excuse the language, ass-backwards. It is never, ever up to someone to prove that something does not exist. I cannot prove that the tooth fairy, Santa Clause, the Easter Bunny, etc do not exist but that doesn't mean that they are assumed real until I prove otherwise. The claim is (and you do said several times, especially with the prints that "something" must be going on and are dismissing all logical explanations of them...but if you prefer then I'll use more general language) that there is a large, widely dispersed breeding population of huge hairy apes out there that nobody has able to catch on tape for more than a few seconds, that nobody have found and biological evidence for. The burden of proof is on the believers to show that it exists.

How did I know that your response to my claims about no body would be that the bones are scattered by other animals, etc? You are correct that not every dead animal is found but if the population is as large as it must be, then the odds that something has never been found are simply too long to take seriously. There are example upon example, thousands of bear, mountain lion, deer, fox, lion, tiger, bear,chimp, gorilla carcasses that have been found...either whole or partial. There is not a single bone in the entire world that can be identified as a bigfoot bone. On top of that, there isn't even evidence of great apes in the fossil record in North America.

I absolutely am familiar with wildlife, having grown up in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada (prime bigfoot country, btw). I know how elusive wildlife can be but I also know that the most elusive of wildlife has still be captured by video or photo (clear video or photo) in scientific studies. I have seen with my own eyes all of the large predators in the area, including mountain lions, bears and have found tons of bones and skulls when exploring the caves that exist in the area so "you don't know wildlife" isn't going to fly.

Let me leave you with a few, final points for you to consider...the first is that none of the previously undiscovered animals has ever been found using the "scientific" methods of cryptozoology. They were all found through known, established methods. Secondly, there is not a cryptid that is more studied than bigfoot and, in fact, the entire "scientific" study was built on the bigfoot ledgend. There are thousands upon thousands of people combing the forest for bigfoot yet every single one of them comes up empty somehow. And it is simply hilarious (and an actual identifying attribute of pseudoscience) that as bigfoot hunting becomes more popular, he just happens to crop up in more areas.


I think the vast majority of "prints" are misidentification.

Sorry, but YOU are the one who has it backwards. YOU said the above after I asked you how they were "explainable." I countered by saying what I said and then YOU came back making it sound like I said you said something you did not. You are the one getting all mixed up in your own story here darling, not me.

Yeah, done trying to talk to you since you can't keep your story straight. Buh bye now!

Minds are like books, they only function when open.


Oh shazza...predictable much? Looks like any time someone disagrees with you, offers things you can't really counter, you claim they aren't making sense or their mind just isn't as open as yours you run away, acting like you are just way beyond them and won't even be bothered. First of all, you aren't...second, it's beyond transparent and last, that isn't really the hallmark of an open mind.

You should have gone back and done some surreptitious editing and hoped that nobody would notice. Let's recap, shall we? I said that the vast majority of the "evidence" was explainable. Next, you asked how the prints were explainable. I then said, that most prints that are not hoaxes were misidentifications. Now here comes the said that a bear was the most likely animal print to be misidentified to which I responded that I never said that I was talking about bear prints and went on to explain myself, to clarify what I meant by "misidentified" because clearly you thought I was referring to an animal print being misidentified. Not sure why that didn't end there but next you said (verbatim) "And I never said you said it was a mis-identified bear print.I said that's about the only print that "could" be mis-identified as big foot as nothing else in the wild's of America has a human like foot print." It was clear at that point that you were either intentionally misunderstanding what I was saying or simply just didn't understand because at that point the bear was a moot point as I had said that I was not, nor never had been, speaking about a bear.

But it's no surprise to me that you clung onto that point because there was absolutely nothing you could say in response to the actual points I was making, specifically:

1) Native American and First Nation creation legends are no more real than a talking snake and forbidden fruit. It should not be taken as real simply because it's source is viewed as somehow all knowing.

2) The US is not alone in having dishonest people who, for whatever reason, perpetuate hoaxes. This is 100% true...we know, for a fact, that people from all over the globe have been involved in all sorts of hoaxes, bigfoot or otherwise.

3) Bigfoot is the most hunted animal on earth and the fact that there is not a single solitary skeleton, or even partial skeleton, to be found. We have many examples of this in other species, even endangered or extinct animals. On top of that, there is no evidence of a great ape species in the fossil record for North America. On top of that, we don't have any good, clear reliable photo evidence (this does not require a human to be there...trail cams are used to capture pictures of wildlife all the time), we don't have any verifiable scat or hair or anything else.

4) As bigfoot hunting becomes more popular (and more profitable) bigfoot somehow pops up in more and more places. For decades he was (on this continent)said to live in Nor Cal and the Pac NW. All of a sudden bigfoot lives EVERYWHERE...swamps, plains, New makes zero sense. There is even, according to the "experts", at least one other sub-species of bigfoot. Basically, bigfoot is able to live everywhere, in any environment, all across the States yet nobody can find any tangible evidence.


jporter, you do realize that science isn't concrete don't you? Scientists are ALWAYS trying to find new ways to do things. Hence, science changes.

And no one ever said these shows were scientific. Investigations can be done many ways, not just scientifically.

Minds are like books, they only function when open.


You are 100 per cent correct. My point was, and I think I said it, is that there is nothing that can be verified in these so-called investigations. I made the point that UFOs have no parameters to test against, but if you bumped into a bigfoot (I wouldn't want to as I don't know whether they are as friendly as Moneymaker and crew says they are), you would have something verifiable.

By the way, I think the bigfoot species (and there may be two of them) will be identified and categorized in the next ten years. The American Indian tribes of the Pacific consider bigfoots as just another tribe of Indian people. I don't believe they are electronic psychics running around in the woods smelling bad. The latter is just plain nuts. (How's that for going out on a limb?)

Hope you are well.


As I said to Shazza, a First Nation tribe's mythology is not necessarily any more real than that of any other culture and even if they were once real, it doesn't mean they still are. As you mentioned, it can be difficult to accurately test some of these things...not so with something like bigfoot. The likelihood that there is a single undiscovered primate with large enough numbers to make up a breeding population, yet is so elusive that no concrete evidence can be found is so very unlikely. The likelihood of two different species is astronomical.


Ok, back to the episode. The Swamp Woman segment made me laugh. That screeching is probably a nutria, a beaver like rodent very very common on Louisiana swamps. Its cry sounds like a woman screaming. I'd bet money that's what they were hearing. As far as the human shaped cold spot, it didn't look human shaped to me. I think it was just a cool spot between trees and it disappeared as they got closer because of spatial degree. The EVP I think was just Jael exhaling. I like her but she always seems nervous or downright terrified.


compo, I think you're mixing up Jael and Dana as Jael is not always nervous or terrified, that would be Dana. Jael is much more confident than Dana. Yes, she freaks out, but you can't tell me you wouldn't if you were out there in the middle of the night looking for a legend. I watch horror movies alone in the dark and that would probably freak me out. And Jael freaks out way less than Dana.

Plus, a lot of the locations have known deadly animals, like water moccasins(sp?), that they have to watch out for. That alone would be enough to freak the hell out of me. Put that on top of being out in the middle of nowhere looking for something, and you're bound to have some freak out moments.

Also, since when does an exhale sound like a giggling/laughing child? I clearly heard what sounded like a child giggling or laughing, not an exhale.

Minds are like books, they only function when open.


I have not heard a nutria but know what they are and that they are all over the place in Louisiana. It is entirely possible (and I have no reason to doubt you), even likely that the sound that I couldn't identify (some of them were birds) is a nutria. I am not so convinced about the spot being a cold spot between trees for a couple of reasons, those spots should exist all over the place and I just didn't see them. I am always going to look for a natural explanation before even thinking that it is something "other" but the fact that those were the only cold spots and they did seem to disappear (I just don't think it was a matter of point of view). As for the EVP, I have never heard an EVP that wasn't utter and complete BS so I didn't take that into account as well.

I wouldn't say the swamp woman was proof but it left me scratching my heard more than most. I would live to hear your thoughts on the cemetery because that simply freaked me out.


compo, while I do believe some of the "screams" they heard could have been from the Nutria since you pointed that possibility out, I do not beleive the ones in the middle of the night were for a fact from the Nutria due to this: "In the coastal marshes they are often seen moving about leisurely in the daytime, but their period of greatest feeding activity is just prior to sunrise and after sunset." I know animals aren't spot on in their behavior and they can move about when they frequently don't, but given that there are typical behavior patters observed in one species of animal, I don't think all the screams could have been from Nutria.

And this is where I found that by the way

Minds are like books, they only function when open.


I know this is an older thread, but I felt I had something (sort of) to add.

I was re-watching this episode and happened to notice on two occasions a third and possibly fourth person is seen very clearly in what is conveyed as "only the two investigators" footage. My understand is that this show portrays itself as only the two "stars" out investigating. Well, their own broadcast footage says otherwise. Both of the incidents I have noticed occur during the investigation for the swamp woman.

Just after Devin falls off the log, he and Jael return to review the footage.Just moments after Jael says "Did you see that?" and as she says "rewind" repeatedly the shot is from what appears to be a stationary cam showing her right side and shooting off to the left. If you freeze the frame as her arm raises in the background you can see VERY clearly what appears to be a male with a turned off head lamp. There is not way this is a reflection of Devin. It very clearly is another person. That same individual is faintly seen again in 2 other shots in the same continuing sequence.

Further along in the episode another figure is seen hoping to stand out of shot but being very unsuccessful.

This re-watching of the show has only cemented my belief that everything about it fake and scripted. A shame really.
