MovieChat Forums > Transcendence (2014) Discussion > This movie was rated down by Apes

This movie was rated down by Apes

This movie was rated down by Apes who have no concept nor attention span for a Geekgasm.

Since 80% of the planet behaves and conveys Ape like characteristics these days, this explains the Rotten Tomatoes score.

A portion of the well informed have rated this up including myself.

This movie is slow and has touches of romance in it surrounded by various geek tech which obviously is a no no for maternal oriented women, and is a no no for the ADHD crowd, that only leaves Intelligent boys, 10% of girls and some middle aged men who aren't behaving like Apes to rate the movie up.

If you think this movie is far fetched think again it is not, google Dimitri Itskov and you will see what he plans to do is very similar, and he commands billions of dollars to do so.

Think outside the square people, this movie is the future, and those of you who think differently will be proven wrong eventually.

By my deeds I honor him, V8


Wow! I just googled Dimitri Itskov and the 2045 initiative. That was a fascinating read. Yes the technology of this movie is not far away but we don't see any of it in mainstream media.

I fully support Itskov and hope he is successful. There will be the religious and just plain paranoid psychos who will oppose him and others like him but they will fall by the wayside eventually.


This movie was rated down by Apes

To expand: Apes on the behalf of screaming monkeys everywhere!


Ha! Made ya look! :D




I don't know if he is a narcissist or not but he sure is right about people. We are the most intelligent species in our solar system...and look what we have done with it. War,hunger,asphyxiating work schedules, no free time, dying from diseases that could have been cured if we were investing in science instead of war. All countries are in debt to each other, so basically our planet is in debt to itself. People suffer from the illusion of the financial crisis. Sounds like we're worse than apes.


Btw he is also right about the movie. There are things in the movie that can and will be done in the future.


Watch ScreenRants theory on Ai. Its pretty interesting and terrifying.


Then you won't be able to make false posts about apes rating this poorly.

Plenty of smart people rated it poorly.

Character is revealed by how you treat people with no power.


Your Title of the post is "OP, you need your brains beaten in."

Sounds to me like you're an Ape, so you don't really qualify to comment that plenty of smart people rated it poorly.

"OP, you need your brains beaten in." is a primal comment, testosterone heavy in nature, primal = primate = you're an Ape.

By my deeds I honor him, V8
