MovieChat Forums > Transcendence (2014) Discussion > I think the reason this movie was critic...

I think the reason this movie was criticized heavily...

was because of the lonely, cat lady btch with no friends that ruined the whole world. Who thought it was a good idea to let the unlikable sociopath win?


The AI in this movie IS a computer virus, by definition. So sick of Hollywood using a virus to "save the world" when they obviously have no idea of what a virus is. Even the nanobites could be considered a virus. Besides all that, a virus is useless unless its activated, can't be just uploaded and... poof!

Last thing about this movie, the terrorists won. Love the irony, love the message, but I don't think the average viewer would understand it at all, this is a movie for very advanced thinkers, perhaps 10% of the viewers would even have a clue. Case in point, the "good guys" stated the don't negotiate with terrorists, yet the end of the movie was the AI negotiating with the girl threatening the guys life. The result was a giant step back to the 18th century. Most viewers would not only miss this ironic point but the rest of the movie as well.
