MovieChat Forums > Kaboul Kitchen (2012) Discussion > Another example of western hypocrisy

Another example of western hypocrisy

Heh .... another day, another bit of wishful fantasy dumped on us by those nutjobs pretending to be the "civilized world" - case in point, THIS bit of bogus tosh: some douchebag (who at least admits of being a crass opportunist) makes a killing (pun intended) in a war zone servicing rich westerners who seem to be enjoying life while the ordinary people suffer. I find it funny that this creep is supposed to be some "beacon of liberty" just because he supplies bacon and alcohol (both items forbidden by the main religion there - so you know that most of the people enjoying such 'treats' are foreigners - the natives customs and religious sentiments be damned - hey! White people rule here!!!) - both contraband items. Gee, I wonder if someone made a serial depicting some Afghan guy supplying heroin and hashish to western countries and he's depicted as some sort of 'maverick hero' - (after all, he's just being a capitalist and fulfilling a demand, right) wonder if there will be an outcry then?

I find it amazing that just because he has a pool where women can sunbathe he's regarded as some sort of hero. Like anyone anywhere suddenly could have a pool themselves if they'd JUST TRY ... what rubbish ... as if not having access to a pool is the worst thing that could happen to you while other people who ACTUALLY LIVE THERE have their homes bombed or starve. It just shows the complete disconnect between the lifestyles of the westerns who are nothing but parasites and feed off the misery of war while ordinary people suffer and cannot even afford a decent meal much less a pool. Hey, I'm pretty sure that people would be able to afford to build a pool in their compound if foreign powers (who like to portray themselves as "civilized" didn't keep on bombing them in order to steal their mineral wealth).

I also find it funny that the people who want such scumbags are out are branded as "religious fundies" and not just nationalists who the want foreign invaders out. It's funny how everytime the west starts a war for natural resources in a foreign land, the opposition are branded as "extremists". Heh .. I wonder if these western bozos will start calling anyone who wants to secede from The US or Nato as "extemists" as well?
