MovieChat Forums > Muck (2016) Discussion > ancient burial ground?......

ancient burial ground?......

The plot summary mentions these guys stumbling across an ancient burial ground, yet as far as I could tell, that doesn't happen. If that is supposed to happen in the prequel then why is that not explained at the beginning? Also who are these pale scarred guys and why are there so many of them? Where did they come from? And finally, what kind of ending is that? It's as if the story just stopped, leaving no cliffhanger just a a confused audience.


The plot summary mentions these guys stumbling across an ancient burial ground, yet as far as I could tell, that doesn't happen.

That probably happened at the end when the survivors are in the marsh see the water bubbling up.

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What kind of ending is that? It's as if the story just stopped, leaving no cliffhanger just a a confused audience.

It was intended to be a trilogy done out of order. We got the middle. "Muck: Feast Of Saint Patrick" (prequel) is in the works for next year.

As for an abrupt ending. Try "Automaton Transfusion" (2006). Our survivors are fleeing the zombie outbreak. Run into a building - the end.
