Title Change

Just curious as to why they changed it from "Writers" to "Stuck in Love." I'm not very fond of the new name, it sounds all too familiar.


Not fond of it either. The tagline and poster are ok though. Guess they wanted to make it more commercial

comic book films rule


In Australia it's getting released as "A Place For Me"


It might have had something to do with the 2011 film, "The Writers" which fis what was pulling up whenever someone searched for the film. Plus I think the producers weren't thrilled with the original title.


A latest article from EW still calls it "Writers"

http://www.ew.com/ew/gallery/0,,20385926_20456486_21249226,00.html#211 54878

I wonder which title is correct.


Josh Boone the director-writer already tweeted that the US title will be Stuck in Love and the international title will remain Writers

comic book films rule


Thanks for clarification! -> twitter.com/writersmovie


How lame. The original title is what made me want to watch the movie. Oh well.


Not a big fan of the new title... maybe they're trying to pull for a different audience?


In Spain it was called "The Novelist" (lame) and now it has changed to the indescribably stupid "A Winter in the Beach".

¿Nada? ¿Nada? ¡¿Nada Da Da Da?!


It opens today in Australia as "A Place For Me"

http://www.smh.com.au/entertainment/movies/a-place-for-me-20130515-2jm n9.html



Yes, but is "Writers" any better of a title? That doesn't say anything to me about the movie other than it has something to do with Writers---it could be a documentary. "Stuck in Love" at least gives you a sense of the romantic elements. Another example I came across is a new movie coming out "Authors Anonymous." What the heck does that mean? I guess we'll find out. All these movies about writers.


I don't like "Stuck in Love" either, I randomly found this movie and only hoped for a light, average movie, which is not even close. I love this movie, it has that deep feeling without pretending to be.
But I also feel like the name "Writers" is quite irrelevant, idk?


I watched this with some people the other night and I mentioned how it had three different titles. Stuck in Love, Writers, and A Place for Me (in Australia it's called that) and at the end we decided we'd all vote at the end what we thought the most fitting of the three was, and we all voted for A Place for Me. All three are pretty dramatic, but the way the movie ends and what Jennifer Connelly's character says at the end it really just seemed the most suited for describing the movie. All the characters just wanted to find their place, be it at the Thanksgiving table, or back in each others lives or in the writing world on their own terms. Stuck in Love just makes it sound too light romantic comedy, and Writers is cool, but too generic.
