Hannah Minx? Really?!

...As in the YouTube girl who gets lots of views purely because she has two enormous and voluptuous... er... eyes? THAT Hannah Minx?


Yep, she uploaded a video about it on her channel. The set and makeup look really promising.

Why do people so frequently get told to "read the book" on a movie database?


She is certainly a good reason to watch this! :)


This is now a much watch cause both Emilie Autumn and Hannah Minx is playing! To bad the music probably gonna suck...


I don't see her name on the cast list.

I'm a heavy metal maniac.
Metal = best form of music ever


I think she's the equivalent to Paris Hilton in Repo!.

Mrs. Lovett, you're a bloody wonder eminently practical and yet appropriate as always


She has no lines and the rare times she sings its with the entire cast or two other girls. You only notice her for her boobs, and then you only recognize her if you know her other videos on youtube. She's cute in it. Darren, the director, said he had a few perverse moments where he wished she'd pop out of her top, and made her deliberately prance and run on queue. He was joking I think, it was at a Q and A in Atlanta.


Was it me or was she the one who shouted "Confetti!" in Merrywood's trailer.


No, I believe Captain Maggots did because Hannah wasn't in Merrywood's trailer till a few seconds later.
