Another Rip Off?

Isn't this just Stolen Voices, Buried Secrets from the ID Channel?


I think so...the one I'm watching now I've seen before


I've never seen or heard of any of the ones you've mentioned. I thought this was very well done.


Yeah, it's a total rip off SV,BS on ID. Don't worry. I don't think it'll last long anyway.

"Chaos is what killed the dinosaurs darling!"-J.D.- Heathers


Why are you saying to not worry because you don't think this show will last long? I don't get it. Also, why would someone no longer be worried once this show is cancelled?

Why are people not able to change the channel if they don't like a show?

And LOL @ you for pretending like every other TV show ever made is not a rip off of something else.


I immediately said the same. All too similar, but I like true crime shows anyway.
I'll watch it.


I like true crime, too. I like this show. I remember another one on network tv a year or two ago, can't remember the name, though.


If this is the show on abc then I think it's a ripoff of the killing


Perhaps so that those who do not have cable television can enjoy a show like this as well. Like me.


um stolen voices buried secrets is just a ripoff of the movie the lovely bones but i like it and i enjoyed the episode of final witness i watched so it doesn't bother me

"Oh Penny, it's as if the Cheesecake Factory is run by witches"


The Final Witness pilot came out before Stolen Voices (Sept 2010, Stolen Voices came out early 2011), but Stolen Voices went to series faster. Both shows were in development at the same time. That they both were using the premise of telling the story through the voice of the victim is pure coincidence.


Stolen Voices, Buried Secrets actually started production *after* the Final Witness pilot was shot in if anything is a rip-off, it's Stolen Voices, Buried Secrets...but I think it was just a matter of two similar shows in development at the same time


I think this one is done better. I like them both, but I think the whole feel of final witness is better. the black background, the interviews and at the the end the actors hold pictures of the real people.


I'm with you. I like the feel of this show better than SV,BS. This show just feels more real and gives us more time to know the people than SV,BS. At the end of an SV,BS episode, I felt like I knew hardly anything about the victims so it wasn't as real to me.

Ignorance killed the cat, curiosity just got framed.


I agree, this is one of the best recreation crime shows I have seen.


Little is really new on TV. I'm enjoying the show.
