
Just wondering why Kate Upton would be cast with experienced actresses like Leslie Mann and Cameron Diaz?! She was an odd choice. Granted, I agree with everyone else on the planet that she has big boobs, but when did having big boobs cross out the talent requirement? She can't act! Ditto to the Game of War advertisements...just awful. Please cast real actresses with real acting abilities. Loved Leslie Mann, as she is very funny and adorable.


Just wondering why Kate Upton would be cast with experienced actresses like Leslie Mann and Cameron Diaz?! She was an odd choice. Granted, I agree with everyone else on the planet that she has big boobs, but when did having big boobs cross out the talent requirement? She can't act! Ditto to the Game of War advertisements...just awful.

It's simple: There's this thing called NEPOTISM...

They say genius skips a generation. Mom's a genius, so I guess I'm a genius too


Really? Who is she related to in the entertainment business?


The character is meant to be a vacuous, busty bimbo. Why would a 'real actress' want to play that part.

And ignore em. Like you suggested, Kate Upton doesn't have any relatives in the entertainment industry so his nepotism argument is hogwash regardless of how wealthy/powerful her family may be.


I liked her. She had some very funny scenes, like the one at the pool in the Bahamas with the binoculars, and the Climidea scene. (sorry if I misspelled that. never had it, so I had to rely on spell-check)
The casting decision I just couldn't believe was that Nikki Manage (sp?) thing. What a freak! Talk about can't act, absurd-looking, and a voice and accent that made my ears bleed! Ugh!
