MovieChat Forums > The Other Woman (2014) Discussion > Was Gonna Post a Comment, but....

Was Gonna Post a Comment, but....

this seems to be a really hot topic on here. If you liked the movie you're sexist. If you didn't your a feminist. I would like to hold public office one day so I think I am just going to move on. Nothing to see here.

P.S. I would be Kate Upton's hero in a second.


Shoot... Come be the governor here in Louisiana! They can, and have, committed every crime in the book. No problem. Edwin Edwards even got his crooked asssss re-elected!
I thought UK was beautiful in this movie; she and LM were both better looking than CD. She just looks old and skinny.


I lived in Louisiana from 1988-1999. I was there for the Buddy Roemer/Edwin Edwards/David Duke election. Wow. That whole thing made Louisiana look backwards as hell. I was also there when Edwards and his buddy, Eddie DeBartolo got in trouble for the riverboat kickbacks. The river boat gambling did wonders for Shreveport schools and the communities but I bet there is some serious back room dealings that would make for a great movie.

My memory foam pillow says it can't remember my face. I can tell its lying.


Oh, no! You got to see Louisiana at its lowest point in a long time! Our politics (and politicians) are just horrible. We just cannot find a good man (or woman) to be an actual governor instead of a laughingstock. Very embarassing that that's how the world views Louisiana.

I don't understand your specific kind of crazy, but I admire your commitment to it.


UK? Don't u mean KU? And it was CD who looked hot, LM got too skinny, and was a bit neurotic for most of the movie!
