I Can't Stop Laughing

Okay, that's a slight exaggeration, but I can't remember when I have guffawed so much at what is supposed to be a serious drama. The cliches just keep coming, and at every turn you can see that directorial choices were made based on what was cheapest to do. As for the behavior of the characters, it could not possibly get more phony. Find an injured child under a pile of debris? Don't worry about having an EMT check him out, just pull him out and carry him outside (in slow motion) and he'll be fine.


I agree -- it is pretty funny. What really ticked me off about this movie and made it even more unrealistic is no one -- not even the kids -- said anything about their dog until the very end of the movie! It's like everyone totally forgot about their pet! Not realistic at all -- at least not in my family!
