MovieChat Forums > Mountain Men (2012) Discussion > Stopped watching after Season 1 - back t...

Stopped watching after Season 1 - back this seasons - observations

I really enjoyed Season 1 of Mountain Men. But for one reason or another never had any reason to continue watching until this past season.

Observations :

Eustace - I now fast forward thru everything involving Eustace. Loved him in season 1 but seems like there really is no storyline.

Marty - same old same old number 1. Plants traps, sled breaks down, has to walk thru the cold night, the traps aren't biting, needs to fly plane to another location, risky trip there, risky landing because of ice instead of snow, sled breaks down again, traps some animals, can plane take off without something going wrong. Automatic Fast Forward.

Tom - same old same old number 2. Beaver traps, not biting, oh poor me what will I do i'm an old man, i need these furs. Talk with wife, she is in one episode, bring in brother for another episode, gets some beavers to bite, day is saved. Fast forward.

Rich - I'm new to his story so it started out interesting. But he got hurt and it's lagged. I'll still watch just to see what happens. But he needs to get back to hunting those mountain lions.

New Guy in ARkansas - forgot his name. so far it's been slow. Will tune in.

Guy in Alaska alone - forgot his name. I thought it was pretty boring at first but it got good. He hunted some sheep on a mountain and found some traps. He's become the most interesting of the bunch.


I miss Kyle and his son Ben in New Mexico. They had some fairly interesting stories.

I agree with most of what you wrote except for Eustace and Preston. I still enjoy watching them. But I must say that Eustace acts downright silly sometimes. Preston seems to be more levelheaded.


You're basically right. I disagree about Eustace - it seems like there's always something new going on with him, like this building needs to be rebuilt, he's gotta plant some ground cover crops, or he's got some new problem with his saw mill or something. Or, if you go back to the 3rd season, he built this totally cool "gasifier" that takes wood shavings and waste and uses it to power his truck.

Is Marty's story repetitive? Yup. Is Tom's story repetitive? You bet. But Rich's story is also. I still find the three of them enjoyable because they're interesting people. As I see it, you can't help but like Tom. He's totally sweet. And Marty is kind of a lovable idiot, too. Yeah, he breaks down, he kind of makes his own trouble, and then has to get out of it. But the man's got serious skills. He may not have a Ph.D. from a college, but he's got a Ph.D. in being a mountain man, so I've got mad respect for the guy.

The new guy in Arkansas - Jason - is interesting because he's new. (And he's got a hot wife, so there's that.) The guy in Alaska "alone" - Morgan - isn't alone. They just don't show his partner. They run kind of a B&B there - people come up in the summer and he takes them around the area. There's a website and everything. And he's pretty much a total idiot to have 4 horses brought out to him there, literally in the middle of nowhere in f'g Alaska with no way to feed them. How completely stupid is that?

I want the doctor to take your picture so I can look at you from inside as well.
