Preston's knife.

I liked seeing how he made that knife, but the handle looked like it came from a factory -- particularly the front of the handle (I think it's called a "bolster") -- it looked like it was made out of brass and very nicely machined and fitted -- too nicely to be done in a shed in the woods.

More "reality" BS?

You have meddled with the primal forces of nature, and YOU ... WILL ... ATONE!


Yeah, I noticed that too. I thought that maybe he bought a box of them to fit knives as he made them. What really amazed me is that he had to make that knife to kill that poor old hog they're raising like there was not a suitable knife to be found anywhere on the property and no other way to dispatch the beast.


I'm pretty sure a lot of these projects are designed for the entertainment of the viewing public, like building a smoker. I mean, what off-gridder doesn't build a smoker immediately after deciding to go off-grid?

You have meddled with the primal forces of nature, and YOU ... WILL ... ATONE!


Who in the do-it-yourself, off-grid world does not have a knife capable of killing a hog cleanly? I realize they want to show the skills required to make a knife. Rather contrived scenes.


Options for killing a hog "off the grid"...

a) spend two days forging a knife from an old saw blade

b) take 10 seconds and shoot the animal in the head with a gun.


Gun. I've met up with some wild boars in Canada and you don't want to get them with a knife. They spread illnesses fast.

<“Every man of courage is a man of his word.” - Pierre Corneille>
