
Im surprised at the low rating. I rated it at least a 6.0. It had good acting from some unknowns. It kept it's primary focus on the two leads while using the setting and background characters for tension. Great soundtrack. I think people are caught up in the fact it's only 75 minutes long and feel short-changed. The movie is exactly as long as it needs to be. Everybody seem to be hoping for a scene where Diana walks into school and all the faculty is staring at her like they know and she gets called into the principal's office and is greeted by Eric, his father and two police officers. The director made this movie fairly unique and I think the ending fit and the length was perfect. It mirrored Diana's perspective.


No, the film was too long. It was only 75 minutes cause it had nothing to say. It's a premise, and that's it. The soundtrack was also pretty terrible. It's lucky to have gotten a 5 on here.


I thought this was just a terrible film. Outside of Lindsay Burdge's performance, nothing about the film worked. The script was pretentious and artsy without having much to say, there's zero depth or nuances or anything to connect with to the characters, the cinematography was amateur, the score was distracting as hell, and the film was just *beep* boring to watch. So yeah, not impressed.


Everybody seem to be hoping for a scene where Diana walks into school and all the faculty is staring at her like they know and she gets called into the principal's office and is greeted by Eric, his father and two police officers.
No nothing so clichéd as that. I would have just appreciated more backgrounding on Diana's issues, other than that one extremely brief scene with her brother.

Without any thing like that, 75 minutes seemed too long.🐭
