Release date?

Anyone know the release date of the movie? DVD out in Sweden?


Dont watch it.. You have not, and will never again see Tuva Novotny act this bad.. When my first child is born, she will be a better director than the director of this movie.


IF your first child is born; you are assuming that someone would want to have a baby with you. Why should it be a daughter? Do they allow people of such limited mental capability to reproduce in your "home"?


Wow, you clearly are a little bitch arent you? Based on what I wrote someone cant have a child with me? Haha. Why so whiny? You directed this movie maybe? My first child will be born Dec 16th. Why are you writing "home" like this? Are you Joey from Friends?


Seeing as you joined simply to criticise this film you obviously have a personal agenda here. A home is a place where they house "special" people - do us all a favour and make your way to one post-haste.

If this is how you start off in this way with your posts on IMDb I predict a short stay for you. The display of rancour you display is not consistent with anything but selfish spitefulness. Go play in the traffic, please.
