MovieChat Forums > Coldwater Discussion > Unrealistic..confusin g..self-important

Unrealistic..confusin g..self-important

I believe this was the director's first movie?

You can tell in every way.

I found it choppy, editing horrible. The part in the beginning after the black kid gets hit and then the main character attacking the Trustee with 'you could have protected him'. What? Protected him how?

There really wasn't any setup for all of the kids and having your empathy rest with them, so the ending scenes were more like "wtf"?
No soul or heart to this movie.

Not very original, but 'We accept the love we think we deserve.' Brilliant.


The thing between Brad and the Trustee was easy. When the one guy's leg was injured, instead of vouching for him or realizing that his leg was in terrible condition, he told the staff he was good enough to start running again to not only spite Brad, but also to gain further favor with the Colonel and staff to ascend the ranks. The character was, at times, like a combination of the vengeful Lord and the conniving Reverend from "Barry Lyndon" (perhaps not a movie to hold in the same league as "Coldwater"), but getting his just desserts in the end.


Yeah he made he leg situation worse and also dumped all their water out for no reason except to be a dick. I was glad he got his ass kicked, and was glad he was killed kind of.
