MovieChat Forums > 666 Park Avenue (2012) Discussion > The ending actually satisfied me (+ spoi...

The ending actually satisfied me (+ spoilers)

I'm certainly going to miss this show, it was wonderful: the characters (especially the Doran's), the mysteries, the storylines, the drama, the supernatural, the Drake building itself... when I watched the finale yesterday, I was kind of afraid it would all be very rushed. Fortunately, it wasn't that bad in my opinion. I could never have guessed that Gavin was Jane's father, but it did make sense. They seemed to have this special connection... I never shipped them, but there always was something more than just friendship. Jane sacrificing her soul to save Henry's life was something I did see coming, and it felt right, in some kind of weird way. They said from the beginning that Jane and Henry were special, and I think in the end, Jane really did find her destiny. It might not have been a real happy ending, but that's kind of refreshing, actually.

It would have been so interesting to see how things turned out with her on the dark side, collecting souls by giving people exactly what they desired and waiting for them to pay the price. It kind of did make sense that she was pregnant... and she didn't seem all that different to me. Her look, yes, and her eyes... colder. But I think that Henry would have left her if she changed too much, so she couldn't. All in all, I think she found her place. The Drake always attracted her and we - and she - knew there was a reason it did... and in the end, she found it. She ended up where she belonged. Ironically, that was a place she wanted to flee from at first, but I do think it is her home. She will be the mother of the next great leader, the next Gavin Doran... and well, that might not be a good thing, but in some weird way I feel that is her calling.


I liked it - evil won out, which goes against the usual grain. I miss this show and felt that it had much potential.

I sleep now.


I find it a good ending in the sense that there's a lot more to the story.

And in my mind in the future she'll end up killing her child for the good of mankind. :)

I really wish this had at least had enough success to inspire a book series...despite the fact this show itself was inspired by a book. But the plot of the show is so much better than the plot of the books.


"Betty's voice brought darkness to the land." - Amanda Tanen


I wish that it was 13 - 15 episodes from the beginning. It started a bit too draggy then finished too rushed. If it was laid out more evenly it would have been a better show. I like what American Horror Story is doing with their seasons. Present a complete story and then tell another one. This show certainly would lose traction with two seasons. Stretching out the story, that is the one we know, would make it tedious.

They could have jumped ten or fifteen years forward into a The Omen type arc.


guys there is a way to get the show back all we can do is write to other networks and tell them about this show and we will try top win ABC has turned Cropped .

Bond James Bond


Gavin is Jane's father? Wait, what? When did this air? The last new episode to air was the one with their engagement party. WHEN DID THE FINALE AIR?!?!?

Ahem. Sorry. Carry on.


It's been available to download for a while.. I think that's how everyone else has seen the finale. It's how I did at least because sometimes summer show airings can be fickle and you never know if it will happen. Try checking it out on the website or a downloading site. And for what it's worth, I was glad that the series had kinda an ending, they did try to give some closure but there are still so many questions I have :(.. too bad it couldn't have lasted longer, the ending seemed a little rushed.


Yes, the final episode could have been much worse, at least they gave the show some kind of ending instead of a huge cliffanger.
The end was quite grim, and the fact that Gavin/The Drake/evil won fits the series.
However, Gavin being Jane's father? That was utterly ridiculous.

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