MovieChat Forums > 666 Park Avenue (2012) Discussion > Genies, zombies and spoilers

Genies, zombies and spoilers

Various observations, questions and complaints... And lots of spoilers:

Generally enjoyed this series but felt it devolved into fragments of soap opera. Villains and challengers came and went, enter magic door left, exit magic door right. The premise and initial character development had more promise than payoff. I get that Gavin and Olivia are supranatural sociopaths, but it would be nice if at least one character challenged their moral outrage with... "Are you *beep* kidding me with this?! Whatever else you are, you're whiny psychopaths. Spare me your righteous indignation."

Anyway, onto my suppositions/questions:

1) Is Olivia dead... well... reanimated? In one episode, their big bad antagonist tells her to go to a real doctor... To find out about Gavin's lies. She goes to one, and they find chloroform in her blood... I think. Gavin passes that off as him not wanting her to know that she had been drugged on the night of the hullabaloo.
I was wondering if the secret of her blood is that she's embalmed. Later, she applies lipgloss that sends the bad guy into seizures when she kisses him. The blood weirdness and imperviousness to the poison made me wonder if she died and Gavin reanimated her. He also says she's his prize possession? Maybe he resurrected Isis or so something.. And she's the goddess. .... Also... Who would her persistent suitor be? Julian? He said he came *up* the staircase. Maybe this just goes back to the Romans.

2) Maris (whooping goldberg's character) is a genii... And maybe that's what Gavin and the old guy are too. That's why they're wiling away time in an apartment building; they're not too fancy for the everyday machinations of evil. Maris' animal expression is a flock of doves. maybe Gavin's is the flock of starlings... And that's why he tells jane to leave them be. It was weird tho that not even Nona commented on Maris leaving. You'd think she at least be bummed that she had one less ally in a hostile environment.

3) there were many unexplored threads. Nothing was ever revealed about the cause or meaning of Nona's parents death and her grandma's catatonia two years prior to Jane and Henry moving in. So much time was invested in the soap operas of the attractive 20-30-somethings... When the series could have at least explored the plot and character intricacies already set up.

4) I too would like to have had more clues about what the last scene with Nona means... Including her wearing jane's necklace.


I really wish I was queen of the universe so I could roll back time and make Stephen king and Steven Moffat this show's writers.


I'll bite:

1) No.

2. No, Maris wasn't a genii but given her departure left me to guess that she was either an angel or her soul transformed into something beautiful hence the flock of white pigeons vs. the starlings.

3. I don't think it was necessary. We know what happened kind of like we didn't need to graphically see the girl get sacrificed during that ritual.

4. I think Nona wearing Jane's necklace meant that there were those who still held on to hope.
