speech impediment

Okay I like this show, but I find the presenter's speech impediment super irritating. Think of less slightly less severe than Elmer Fudd, but significantly worse than Barbara Walters.


I just came see if anybody else noticed that. I'm getting really annoyed by his "Amewwica" and "bactewwia".

"I hope you don't mind but I took the liberty of fertilizing your caviar!" Dr Zoidberg, Futurama


I,m with both of you...How did he get the job?????? I can't watch the show because of him.

http://youtu.be/iDiwoKOD8hA .
http://youtu.be/9WNPorqIyD8 .


I just tried on Netflix and could not get past his voice for 5 minutes, even though the show looks interesting.


Didn't even notice it, subtitles help.
