
Did Tim and Kit Kat love each other? When Kit Kat went in her brother's room to wake him up she climbed on top of him in bed and said he had sexy pajamas. And in the beginning of the movie Tim commented on her elfen eyes and perpetually bare feet and said she was the most wonderful thing in the world. And also Kate tells people she's Tim's wife. And also he was able to convince her to go in a dark cupboard with him and hold his hands.


I don't really think it's incest. I'm pretty sure it's just a brother and sister who have a very strong bond


I agree.

Plus, you have this whole thing where a film thick with British customs is seen by an American audience. Sometimes, I think American minds are always on the lookout for nefarious things, and when genuine innocent foreign customs are presented, some of us get the wrong vibe all too often. We immediately think "creepy". Some of us American really do need to get out and experience other countries more.


Yeah,strong bond... *looks around suspiciously*


OP - reading far FAR too much into it I am afraid. Decent parents meant that brother and sister actually cared for each other and wanted the other to do well rather than the typical competitive hatred than many siblings are only capable of and never grow out of.

This is what good parenting can do, easily misinterpreted by those who have never seen it before.



Did Tim and Kit Kat love each other?

Yeah. As brother and sister...?


Kit Kat was just an overtly physically affectionate person, and also a piss-taker.

Also, when does she say she's Tim's wife? I'm pretty sure that doesn't happen.


The things I listed are in chronological order but I don't remember when it was said. We didn't see her say that. I thought Tim narrated that people thought they get along so well and Kate joked that she was his wife, but I could be wrong. I think I confused that with the part when Tim told Kate that she was the top person in his life, equal to his wife, after she was injured.


Well, it just seems to be her character to be this kind of affectionate, look what she does when Tim says her girlfriend is there at their parents house, or when he announces that they are going to marry themselves.

I don't remember either that she says she is her wife, but even then, it would be more to tease him probably, as when she says he has sexy pajamas.


As a confirmed lifelong Anglophile, I'm a bit embarrassed to admit that I'm not completely positive about the meaning of piss-taker. I'm pretty sure, but not positive. You mean she takes the piss out of someone, right?

I want the doctor to take your picture so I can look at you from inside as well.


Yup, to take the piss is to make a fool of, to make fun of or mocking someone, to say something that is designed to irritate and annoy (mildly) best said in a Glaswegian accent a la Taggart.

"Those shoes look nice"

"Are you takin' the piss, sonny?"



It's been awhile since I've seen it it, but even if she does say it, many little girls think they will marry their dad one day. This is usually in healthy families where there is no hint of incest or inappropriate anything between parents and children. My dad was my hero. The first man I grew to know and adore. I still remember when they asked me who I was going to marry, and I said "Daddy", and they smiled and said "But mommy is married to daddy,". And I was like "Oh. Oh yeah." And that was the beginning of my understanding that my world had to get bigger. So then I said "Elvis!", lol. I was 3. (I have short term memory problems now, but my long term is oddly clear and I can remember being in my crib--being 2 yrs old, and it's as clear as if it happened yesterday.) In families where they are comfortable showing affection and talking about feelings, a little girl's dad is the first man in her life that she loves, and it's healthy for him to be that. An infant's entire world is it's parents, but that circle grows to include immediate family, extended family, friends, coworkers, etc as we get older. A little girl with a big brother who is good, will often adore him just like her father. In my case it was my uncles who were between 12 and 16 years older than me, and there was nothing weird about my relationships with them, and I still adore them to this day. The OP is way off here; there is nothing creepy about the relationship between brother and sister in this movie. I feel sorry (and I'm not being sarcastic) for people who didn't get to grow up in a family like mine or the one in this movie.

"All the external decorations are less important than giving yourself the gift of time." G. Bujold


Wow! Someone really messed you up! 😀

nobody lives forever...


The way they talk to each other is very cringey though - no brother says to his sister that she's the most wonderful person in the world (or whatever it is he says in this). It's very schmaltzy and unrealistic.


Why not?

Don't forget that they have been brought up in a decent, comfortable environment by good parents and one in particular who has a massive insight as to what life is really about. So it's a non-competitive spirit between two siblings who care about each other and care about their family.

The other thing that this film highlights is that you don't have to have your face stuffed into your 'phone all the time to have a decent life. Even though the irony is, of course, that 'phones rob you of life. Neither Tim nor KitKat are self obsessed facetwatters.

One can't assume something could never happen just because one thinks it can't or it hasn't happened to you. There are all sorts of relationships out there, some better some worse than our own.



That's not true! One of my best friends believes that her sister is the most wonderful thing in the world and I think the same of my brother. The sibling bond is one of the strongest there is


Look up the wiki page for oxytocin. Skip all the crap about stimulating contractions. Search the page for bonding. As humans, we all have the capability to bond without having sex. The act of orgasm helps release oxytocin in animals that are capable of single mate bonding. However, oxytocin can be created without orgasm. In fact, as a child, that's how you bond with your mother/father figures. All of this being said, if you take a mature look about it, and remove the sexual overtones, there was nothing incestuous about it. I don't have this sort of bond with any of my siblings. But just because I don't have it doesn't mean others don't or can't or won't. :-)


I thought you were refering to Tim crush for Margot Robbie. Wasnt her his cousin? By the way a brother/sister incest would have made this movie even cooler,altough it would have changed it very much haha
