
For some reason, it's not PC to make fun of black people but if it comes to asians it's free game?
I had to cringe a few times watching this movie when it came to the Phil and Troy duo. At one point Phil had a noose around Troy's neck... wow really?


asians are not people, it's acceptable.


they was just trying to make funny scene man, relax


So you are basically saying that you want them to make fun of black people to even it out? LMAO! Sounds like you might be a racist.


OP is obviously saying that it's wrong to make fun of Asians like you people have accepted it's wrong to make fun of black people in this manner (tying a noose..).

Is it really that hard to understand? Herp derp LMAO!


the moment you consider these types of things to be racist, its you who are being racist. There is no need to bring racial PC issues into these comedy scenarios. If it was a black/hispanic/asian/islander/white whateverthef.. it doesn't matter, where all people if you so choose to look at it that way.


Man, that card has been played for the last time. You will find it if you look, but racism is one of the moral panics of the day. The only solution is the Rickles Principle (where is Don, anyway?): Everyone is deserving of insults, and if you're a professional offense-taker, that means you'll be irked or triggered or oppressed or what-have-you 24/7/365. Give it a rest. And, no, you don't need to know what freakin' color I am, or my Dad, or my kid, or my cousin, or my pals, or anything else. I am a human first and above all. Forget the goddam paint job.


well, whatever


It's not racist to make fun or any race. People take this racist, bigot crap way too far. Guilt must be the issue. The only people who dont find racial humor funny are people who are at least somewhat racist and ashamed of it. These are the same people that claim they aren't racist or bigots and shame those who make jokes about it.

Let me tell you something. Nlthingy NOTHING is off limits in regards to humor.


I'm not racist, I hate everyone equally


I don't recall the Phill/Troy dynamic relying on racial jokes at all so I don't understand the complaining. Just because he happened to be Asian and was portrayed as Phill's butt kissing lackey?

