Prostitute + Brad Pitt

A smart guy like him falls immediately into the clutches of a prostitute while he's checking into his hotel? And then let's her big-time scam him? And then she, in turn, develops a conscience and refuses Malkina's money? So incredible.


Yeah I gotta admit, for a writer like McCarthy, that was a pretty amateur and cliche thing to do. Maybe if it was a novel, he would have given some more thought to it and rewrote it to make it more realistic, cos that would have made it longer and more detailed. Perhaps there was not enough time to explore it more intricately in a screenplay. When Westray immediately fell for her charm, it was like he became a totally different character cos you wouldn't expect him to be that careless. I still don't know how she managed to get his password though (maybe she set up cameras). The movie was McCarthy all the way through until it got to the last 15 minutes, then it became a Mission Impossible kinda movie.


In the movie Westray mentions his weakness for women.

He was out of the country, and felt relatively safe(r) than before. Perhaps a bit too arrogant but again remember he mentions his weakness for women.

Also, he saw that she was a tourist (I believe from the South) and figured she's just a harmless Southern girl.


Southern girls are harmless?


I meant to say a harmless girl clearly on vacation in a foreign land. No offense against Southerners or girls or Southern girls.


Who goes on vacation on their own? The point is, someone in his situation shouldn't have trusted ANYONE.


He shouldn't have, but women are his weakness and apparently he felt he could connect with her better, as they were both Americans abroad.

Westray has always seemed to know what he's doing.

Except, of course, when it comes to women.


Agreed. The film made a point out of his weakness for women.

And she was pretty hot.


I don't think she was just a prostitute. I think she was more a scam artist that focused on identity theft, although she was clearly willing to sleep with her targets to ingratiate herself.

I also didn't find her conscience that hard to believe. There are many people who will willingly steal, but will draw a hard line at murder. There is, of course, a major moral difference between the two crimes in the minds of most people.

Even a prostitute -- or a con artist -- can value human life. And not want to be involved with outright murder.

As far as Pitt goes -- he already made clear he could never go the truly "safe" monastery route because of his fondness for women.


Since no one has mentioned it, maybe (just maybe) Brad Pitt's character was getting payback for what another Brad Pitt character did to Thelma. 😜


It was Thelma's money, but Louise was the one he took advantage of.
