MovieChat Forums > The Counselor (2013) Discussion > How to defeat the Bolito?

How to defeat the Bolito?

Some possibilities:
1. Shoot the electric motor. The bullet will either stop the motor or disable the battery. Or if it is not battery run(as in mechanical), the bullet might still damage it.
2. Twist the wire so that it cannot be drawn into the motor.
3. If there is a nail clipper, clamp on the wire near the intake into the motor.
4. If there is a pair of pliers, clamp on the wire...

Any other ideas? Just want to demonstrate it is not a practical device.


Wear a rigid, platinum collar everywhere, until you're sure the cartel isn't after you anymore. Or they just shoot you in the gut instead.


As soon as I saw the scene I paused the movie and thought about this. Wouldn't we all like to think that were our life in jeopardy we'd find a way out?

Here's a real solution.

It took me a few minutes. First, a few assumptions:

1. You'd have no tools to jam or cut the wire. It's ridiculous to presume someone would incidentally have a pair of pliers, and irrelevant anyway, as...

2. The device, as described, is indestructible. As the film either says or implies, the wire is too strong to cut, the motor's casing cannot be penetrated, the motor cannot be shorted out.

3. It's too tight to slip off. As seen in the film, by the time the victim realizes what's happening, it's roughly as loose as a shirt collar.

How to overcome it then?

Tie a knot in the line.

This is a knot tied in the bight ( as one has access to neither end. Put simply, a small loop is made near the uptake port with the last available slack, and the free end, which can be seen hanging loose, is wrapped around base of the loop to secure it, and woven back through the top of the loop to keep it from slipping free. Done correctly, this forms a thick knot, which the pulling of the wench only serves to tighten. The uptake port is much too small to pass the knot. The wench fails and the victim is saved.

The knot in steps:

1. Make a small loop near the uptake hole.

2.Wrap the free end of the wire (trails from the opposite side of the device) around the loop one time, creating a second loop at the neck of the first loop.

3.Fold the first loop down at that second loop such that it drapes across both sections of the free end (now coming and going from the knot).

4.Weave the free end through the first loop under both sections of the free end, and back through the first loop on the opposite side.

5.Pull tightly. Tied correctly, the wench will actually tighten the knot and neither rope will slip.


Best countermeasure so far and one where one doe not need to be carrying extra tools.

Good job.

When I'm gone I would like something to be named after me. A psychiatric disorder, for example.


i'd like to see a demonstration....with rope, of course.

Take your pinche color-coordinated sponsored chingada and take a flying fck


2. The device, as described, is indestructible. As the film either says or implies, the wire is too strong to cut, the motor's casing cannot be penetrated, the motor cannot be shorted out.

It's indestructible because it's a fictional device conceived by Mccarthy. Nothing in the real world is indestructible.


I was watching The Counsellor on TV last night, with your theory in mind.

You do all this before it tightens?

Assuming you're hit with it from the back, you've got to compute whats going on, swing the motor and loose end to the front, assuming you haven't put your hand under it defensively, like Pitt did, and then start with knots?

If it was on your coffee table, then maybe your knot would work; slapped around your neck and activated, I doubt it.


Wear a rigid, platinum collar everywhere, until you're sure the cartel isn't after you anymore. Or they just shoot you in the gut instead.

Working in the movie business since -92



1. Wear the cowboy hat you were wearing for the rest of the whole movie.
2. Simply cut it off using wire/bolt cutters
3. Carry a gun with you at all times, so at least you can kill yourself in a painless way




I know, I'm fascinated by this device. The whole idea behind it has me really disturbed. Knowing that once it's on, there's nothing you can do, and you know exactly what your fate is just seconds away. I don't know how anyone can live with themselves putting this on someone. The cruelest thing anyone can do.


how can soldiers live with themselves when they kill innocent brow people in the middle east with drones or whatever?


i sleep pretty good thanks :)


Thank you Ross.


Innocent. Yeah. Right.

By the way, what the heck does that have to do with the bolito?


Yes. That's right. Innocent. Or have they stolen your BigMac? Idiot.


You are entitled to your opinion but the fact that you have to resort to name calling to make it decreases its value.


you didn't hear about the innocent woman recently blown up by a drone? it's not the first time, families have been shot up on accident, etc... all while the drone operator sits in an air conditioned office miles away. sporty.


Exactly. Keep your political stier scheisse to yourself. We're talking about a film here. Idiot.


this bolito thing is much worse than shooting somone or dropping a bomb on somone. here you die slow. soldiers have at least some code or country they fight for.


Using a Bolito is much different than collateral damage in the middle of a war against ass-backward terrorist cave dwellers.


What the devil does that have to do with this discussion on a film?


The device is a metaphor for the slow descent into hell experienced by the counsellor - a small choice triggers an irrevocable suffocation of his entire life, he watches with dread as everything he cares about is destroyed, awaiting his own extinction. Yep, pretty horrific.


Must be fictional material because it doesn't matter if there's diamond studs in it, it doesn't make the base wire stronger against cutting with a wire cutter. Such wire is only used for sawing material I'm sure, while strong its still just wire.

Wire doesn't have to be strong to strangle someone, you can strangle someone with a few loops of dental floss. That same floss will just fall away with any blade though, just as any wire esp that thin will just be cleaved in half by any wire cutter, probably even scissors.



Cormac McCarthy (the writer) is kind of known for inventing an unusual device used to kill, in each one of his novels. Remember the air-gun device in No Country For Old Men. All his books are excellent. The Road & All The Pretty Horses are both good. And even though I don't usually watch things like this, in this film, regarding killing, I find this film fascinating, both the characters and the devices. Very clever, on a sick & twisted level, these killing inventions of Mr. McCarthy....indeed.



4. Bring hookers to a monastery.




Find some thick metal, and wedge it between the wire and your neck, making sure the ends of the metal are pressing against your chin and upper chest. That way, nothing is right against your throat, and only your chin/jaw and upper chest is taking the force. If the wire can't cut through the metal you've found, then hopefully the force of the wire pushing them into you won't break any of your bones etc.


Wedging metal between the wire and your neck is about the only practical solution mentioned that could be implemented at the spur of the moment. I racked my brain trying to thing of what metal an average person would be carrying around that they could use, and about the only thing I came up with (that I would have on me anyway) is a belt buckle. IF you were a bad man and had a gun on you (that is, hadnt just flown to London), I think that and the buckle MIGHT be enough to stop the tightening, but for how long? It would take a drill or some serious bolt cutters to remove that thing.

. . . there's always room for Jello!



Find some thick metal, and wedge it between the wire and your neck, making sure the ends of the metal are pressing against your chin and upper chest. That way, nothing is right against your throat, and only your chin/jaw and upper chest is taking the force. If the wire can't cut through the metal you've found, then hopefully the force of the wire pushing them into you won't break any of your bones etc.
No offence but that's a stupid suggestion. What about the other side of your neck? It will continue to pierce your neck. Maybe not the side of your main artery straight away, but eventually it will, so that just prolongs your suffering. Even if you found TWO pieces of thick metal and wedged them between, it would continue to strangle you to death.



4 screw drivers might work. If not,

carry a swiss army pocket knife with you at all time. The model that has a small set of pliers might stop the wire retracting into the motor.



Stupid if the back of the device is also the wire, but to me it appeared to be just a flush metal brace and not a wire on that side. I got the impression the wire was on the front, and being pulled into the neck, hence why I didn't think the person would need to put a wedge inbetween the back of his neck. Make sense?



Well you would first have to know the bolito was coming to carry those things with you...


I doubt it is a workable device anyway so defeat would not be necessary.

The bolito seemed to be relatively small; perhaps containing a battery able to deliver perhaps 20W for a short period... insufficient to cut anything even with loads of gearing and, in any case, you could easily stop it with your hands.. If you consider the power required to strangle someone manually - a big man etc - it requires a lot of force.)


Agreed it might be possible to build a gear motor with enough torque that small but the battery would be much larger


It doesn't seem to be battery powered or electrical in any way. It is probably 100% mechanical like a wind up toy. Your only chance is to stop the motor. Not sure how that can be done but perhaps trying to jam something into the motor might disrupt it to stop it or temporarily pause it long enough to cut the cable off. The motor seemed too strong to disrupt any practical way. If you have a gun with you shooting your attackers for the satisfaction or yourself might be a better idea than shooting the motor.


I watched the youtube video with Reiner describing it to the counselor, and it sounds like a lot of work and an expensive exercise. It's made of a special wire almost impossible to cut. It has a very strong compound motor, whatever that is, but it sounds extremely tough and unable to be stopped at least by a human's arms. I think learning of the complexity of the device has made it less disturbing, because at first I thought it was just a little clever device easy to make but with devastating effects. But in reality no one would ever bother to make such a thing, especially if it just gets thrown away after it's used once. It will never end up in their hands again, unless they hang around to watch him die cos they're that sadistic.


Just carry around a smaller bolito specially designed to cut the wire in normal sized bolitos.


hahaha excellent idea. Just carry a smaller bolito to put over the neck of a larger bolito around your neck. Its like a double cross. Love it



Find the nearest plug socket/electrical outlet and stick your wet finger(spit on it) in said socket , there by giving yourself a big electric shock which shouldn't kill you and hopefully short circuiting the bolito. chance of success maybe 50/50 who knows?

"its only 8 o'clock and you're already bored,you don't know what it is but there's gotta be more"



BEST...POST...EVER!! Lol, gotta say, been gettin super irritated reading all these opinion-bashing posts on this message board, I don't know what it is about this movie that makes people go batsh*t crazy, but yeah..nuts. Then I come across this funny thread & saw ur hilarious message & something so simple...just made my day Thanks hon, I appreciate the much needed levity

