oh my god
i don't understand anything
what was that?


What didn't you get? I can try to explain


you like this movie . i got it
don't need to beat me!!!!!!!!!



Sorry man
It's strange for you
But not in my language


...have only just watched 1st half of movie...I like it, BUT so far have had a hard time literally understanding the jeweller (in Amsterdam) & basically all of Javier Bardem's words!!! I am completely fluent in the English language btw, but I couldn't understand half I what they were saying....I have to watch movie from very beginning...or maybe put on the subtitles for it. They both sounded very garbled....jmo!!!


i thought the same thing. a lot of the dialogue is mumbled.

Take your pinche color-coordinated sponsored chingada and take a flying fck


Me too man


The plot details are barely mentioned, buried beneath reams of stylised philosophical dialogue, and uttered by occasionally incomprehensible performers. It's quite deliberate but can make for frustrating viewing.


We turned closed captioning on to understand.. it didn't improve the movie.



It's like watching season 2 of True detective, right


sorry i did't watch true detective
i waiting to end of tv series!!!!!


Well if you ever get to see True Detective, you better skip season 2. It was an utterly convoluted mess, just like the plot of this movie.


oh.i think it was include the top 250
i have alot to watch!!:-)
but thanks for the advice onise



really!!!I didn't actually know that..but i say someone like a movie and someone else did not . and it's a interesting thing Bcoz if every body has a same taste . you will see some move had rate : 1 else : 10


esysss is the type of person that needs to be spoon fed every detail to understand a movie , she needs to go back to the next miley cyrus movie and relax


The director needs to learn how to present a movie. The guy took a very slight idea and turned it into a mess. This is a straightforward drug deal with the usual ruthless people stabbing each other in the back. Why it was twisted into an unintelligible morass of partial stories is beyond my comprehension.

I'm pretty sure that the top two comments made during this movie are: who is this and why is he doing that.

Mairzy doats and dozy doats, but liddle lamzi nothing.


or maybe you cant concentrate , take your add medicine and re-watch it




It's been well established that this is a piece of crap. Just watched it and I can't disagree. The cast looked great on paper but the story was a complete mess and some of the worst, most pretentiously comical dialogue I have ever seen. And no, I don't like the Transformers.


You right man
I agree


yes it was bad dialogue and to much "talkie talkie" bs

but i understood the story , unlike esysss

she couldnt understand the story
