MovieChat Forums > Baiohazâdo 6 (2012) Discussion > Piers Nivans (Spoiler Warning)

Piers Nivans (Spoiler Warning)

Before you read, know that I've accepted the character's death. If they've chosen to keep it that way, I'm fine with that. That said, part of me believes he's still alive.

His death was technically off-screen so that leaves a nice window of opportunity for the writers to keep him alive. A fan accumulated detailed theories (read here which makes that remote chance of his survival possible, with break downs of the pros and cons. Heck I'll post that link on their facebook wall if that's what it takes. Of course they're just theories in the end but one has to wonder if Piers' really is dead.

Many appreciated his character like the core Resident Evil characters. It's for that reason his death was not an easy scene to endure. The story did a great job in enveloping viewers/players into the idea that Piers would take over Chris Redfield's mantle. Having grown up with Chris after all the years, Piers would have been the perfect choice to move the franchise forward while retiring Chris' character.

Out of all the endings, his was clearly the most heroic. I understand that reviving his character would take that impact away but heck, I felt that way for Jill when she threw herself out the window with Wesker in RE5. But in the end, she was alive. Ok so it was set-up that she was alive but still. It wouldn't be the first time Capcom revived a dead character from the grave in the series.

What do you guys think? It'd be completely fair if you disagree. If you strongly support the idea of Piers' return, DO SOMETHING by letting them know (links listed below). PROVE to Capcom that YOU WANT this. It can be as simple as one sentence saying "We want Piers Nivans back!".

And while you're at it, demand the BIOHAZARD Marhawa Desire Manga for a NORTH AMERICAN release (or wherever you live). Fans of Piers Nivans who do not know what that is may want to look it up.

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No keep him dead, its not lie Capcom listen anyway, Barry Burton is first in the running for a long awaited comeback shortly followed by claire


Sorry. I hated Piers. He was a whiny know-it-all who's only purpose was to work as Chris' consience and remind him of his glorydays. The whole plotline of Chris as some drunk in eastern europe was stupid and sad. They should have retired Chris from RE6 just like they did with Jill and have the characters take a rest.

Personally I'd rather see Parker from Revalations come back. Or any of the first characters in the games, Rebecca, Billy, Barry, etc.

That said, I'm sure Capcom will see the potential of bringing him back in the future. Most likely as some big bad that meets his maker when him and Chris have a last showdown. Chris with tears streaming down his face, asking Piers for forgivness, and Piers' one eye still human looks at Chris in sadness. End scene.

X ~We are the people our parents warned us about


I really liked Piers...hope he is still alive...
