Really lousy marketing

Unbelievably lame marketing. I thought Sony and quantic dream would be pushing this as its the PS3's last swansong (well I consider it to be anyway) and its getting released in just over a week! Mostly everyone is confused about the game and its storyline/plot: first there's a trailer of a girl with this mysterious entity then the E3 trailer and demo has her shooting guns and in the middle of a civil war in Somalia.

I wish they (Sony and quantic dream) would market this as much as they advertised 'the last of us'.


I agree that they should have done more but I'm guessing that they're anticipating this to be more of a niche product whereas Last of Us has a broader appeal.


I agree. But if they think its more of a niche type of thing, IMO it's all the more reason to heavily market it. I think the storyline/plot for B:TS is just as good if not better than TLOU.


Definitely better.


The game's been released yet still barely to almost no marketing. I've seen a banner on YouTube and seen the short trailer ad that plays before you watch a YouTube video. Really crap marketing.


I've actually seen quite a few ads for it over the last week. I aslo feel this would do really well with word of mouth because its one of a kind.


Well, I finished the game last night and that confusion is kind of a part of the plot. I think it was great! It has some of the best mocap performances I've seen. Up there with TLoU. Some scenes looked like they were taken straight from a movie, then you realize you have to run or so.


