MovieChat Forums > Beyond: Two Souls (2013) Discussion > I think this is better than Heavy Rain

I think this is better than Heavy Rain

I thi k the replay value for this is higher. The acting, score, and story were very good

I think its cool how Jodie is strong but yet somewhow vulnerable at the same time.

Its sad this is better than most movies this year. I hope more companies besides Quantic Dream adapts to this style of storytelling in games.


I disagree in heavy rain your choices actually mattered, where as in this game your choices didn't because you always would end up in the same place.

Plus I loved all of heavy rain where as this game the CIA parts were painful to play and that Navaho part was awful


sure there werent as many choices that had changed the store drastically like Heavy Rain but there were those moments. The narrative and just story was just better.


The Cia was fine and the Navajo part was pretty cool. I thought it was interesting in NAVAJO how they linked rituals and what goes on with the other side


also this game has higher replay value


I loved Heavy Rain but there were a few plot holes and things that didn't make sense to me (such as the ARI situation, and how they just cut HUGE segments out with Ethan's link to the Origami (or the 'origarmi' as Jaden put it) Killer. )

This game was much more epic than Heavy Rain seemed to be, and I think the characters were more easy to sympathise with. Jodie is by far one of the best female protagonists I've played in a game, and I agree, I love her strength and bravery yet her vulnerability and raw emotion.

I think perhaps that it's a shame this game didn't have the same impact with choices that Heavy Rain had, that choices were more aimed at trophies than the eventual outcome, etc, but still, I think by far this is one of the best games I've ever played.

We've become a race of peeping toms.
