To the director,

Just watched this movie and it was INCREDIBLE! I have so many questions about your thought process and the plot points left to interpretation. AMA on reddit? Or open discussion here?


Thanks so much. Really glad to hear you enjoyed the film!



Fantastic film man, so far the favorite of the year


Wow. Thanks so much! That's a bold statement.


So I just watched this. I did like it. I did have some issues with the pacing and the motives for all the female characters. I get why they were doing it but i was more interested in why they all coco for attention in that capacity. My only real question is who the hell was in the shower at the end... I got the vibe there was something to that but couldn't figure it out. Granted I had already watched "Coherence" and "Skinwalker Ranch" right before. So my brain had had enough strange plot twists. Plus, what was up with the mall scene? Other than that I thought it was a good flick...


I get why they were doing it...

what was up with the mall scene?

Melanie's syndrome, much like Esther's, was loving the attention brought on by the loss (temporary or not) of a child. Seems Melanie might have done this little mall-freak-out before. It was all planned, knowing Peyton was in her vehicle.

We've met before, haven't we?


I liked it too, notwithstanding my comment about Anika and how she knew what she knew.

If there's an explanation I overlooked, I'd love to hear about it.


Really impressed by the plot twists and turns. You were able to take the story in a direction I did not expect.

I also liked the way you were able to transition the focus of the story from the first character to the second one. I don't believe i have seen that in a movie before

That said, the film does come up for some criticism. The filmed seemed dull at points. I'm not a pro but I think it might have been the editing. The lines seemed unnatural and I found the movie seemed unusually quiet. I don't know if it lacked ambient sound or what but there was just something there....or not there I suppose.

I think it could use a recut. Maybe that isn't your strongest point (no offense intended, none of us are perfect). I think you should maybe sit down with someone in your industry and let them rip into you for what they think you did wrong so as to help you to grow.

It was a great story that drew the viewer in. The ending when you had Anika going up to the bathroom to get at the husband had me thinking that it felt exactly like a Hitchcock film with all the suspense and off camera mystery flying around

You definitely have a lot of potential

A final point, that assault scene at the beginning was absolutely disgusting and probably not handled very well. I felt sick for a few minutes after seeing the beginning of it. You don't need that kind of thing to make a good film.


A final point, that assault scene at the beginning was absolutely disgusting and probably not handled very well. I felt sick for a few minutes after seeing the beginning of it. You don't need that kind of thing to make a good film.

DISAGREE!!! It was refreshing to see a filmmaker not shy away from a scene like this. It was well done and caused quite the emotional stir. I feel the brutality was necessary and I appreciated the boldness of it all.

No, the scene isn't needed to make a good film, and it wasn't included for that reason, but it sure added a lot to it!

We've met before, haven't we?


Mr Parker - your film was interesting in parts, but I found it quite slowwww in the beginning - I was going to stop watching, but the actors were pretty good. I get the title now "Munchausens by "PROXY"- I do like the quiet dialogue , and the creepy stairs scene, and the camera roving the home - someone said it was reminiscent of mr Hitchcock. and the opening brutality was great!

You have potential and look forward to more, but I want to see horror more than drama with some horror as this film displayed. Thank you

We belong dead


The film is a snooze-fest. The pacing is awful.

___(*)/ (*)____
»nec spe,nec metu •´¯`»


I liked it a lot. What was the budget may I ask?

I think it could have had a darker score though for the subject matter. I think retro is coming back in. Directing was nice and the acting was great.

How do you choose someone to do the music anyhow? I'm interested because I composed the music for my own short film and did the music for some shorts but nothing major so I am curious.


It was allright. I liked the strange way it build up to Esther death and that it step out of the comfort zone, but I think the 2nd half of the movie could have been better. So many questions that went unanswered in the end. Still very much worth a watch!


I have just watched the movie and it was awesome. Thanks from Russia, Mr Parker!


Yeah it was actually INCREDIBLE
One could not believe to all the coincidences
Peyton's parents would both go downstairs with the dying son in a normal world, what was she lingering upstairs for? and then she was just talking to esther, why would the father shoot, why would he even go upstairs with the rifle, leaving the dying son brhind if there was no further threat, if he was that cold-blooded to look for the rifle than he should have done it when he first ran up :D
