attention whore

melanie is an attention whore. she didnt love her son, nor family. she likes being pregnant so that she gets attention on herself, she can even get her son killed. as anika said, she is f.cked up


Melanie truly loved her son, and grieved his loss. While still grieving, a friend calls Melanie and tries to convince her to go to lunch. Melanie says no a few times, finally quite emphatically because the friend won't let up. If she hadn't felt real grief, she'd have jumped at the chance to be the center of attention.

Munchausen patients feel empty sans attention. Melanie was too filled with sorrow and remorse; her Munchausen needs weren't in effect at that time. The attention is not fun when the tragedy is real (and truly tragic to the person affected). Esther was beaten and ended up losing her baby, but she WANTED that to happen.

While Melanie's grief was genuine, she did get over it pretty quickly...


that is bulls*t. she's grieving for her son and still kills his father, huh? if she loved and grieved for her son, why was she so happy in the end of the film dreaming about showing up on the national TV telling her story, advertising her new book and announcing she is pregnant??? SHE DID NOT LOVE HER SON.

she wanted to get rid of him and her husband, so that she can have an interesting story to tell people to get more attention (in the group, she was telling people her child and husband was murdered, now she got this story for real, she was so glad!). Esther's and Anika's interfering were the icing on the cake. She happily said to Anika in the end "thanks for making my story more interesting".
As Anika said, she is a *beep* up bitch, worse than Anika and Esther...
