The brokers

When they give the rate to the fishermen, are they giving them a estimate of what they think the fish will sale for? So the rate may change depending on what the fish actually sales for? Just wondering how it works


I wonder that myself. Anyone know?

Do the buyers guarantee what they tell the fishermen? I think so but not sure. Then they charge the customer more for their profit.


I believe they make an offer based upon market conditions and fish quality. The are going to resell it at a profit, but there could be some risk that a lot of fish would be caught and the price could fall so they would lose money.


I've wondered the same thing too. My guess is it is an estimate.

<“Every man of courage is a man of his word.” - Pierre Corneille>


I have another question about the brokers. Is there more than one broker that a fisherman can take their fish? It seems they NEVER go to a competitor broker to obtain a SECOND opinion... I'm sure there is and they do but I have never seen this issue discussed on the show.
