Worst Slasher film?

I consider this to be the worst slasher film I've ever seen. It's an utter failure on all levels. Not scary, not funny, not gory and downright ***** annoying. And it's not just that all the victims are annoying (which can be fun in a slasher film if they end up dying), but the killer is the most annoying charachter in the film. Awful music too. And lol at the theatrical nu-metal style of the killer's songs - pathetic.

What Slasher flick do you consider the worst?


you haven't seen many slasher films then.


Wrong. So, what's yours?


the first that comes to mind is Slaughter High. And that's not including all the mega-low budget movies that shouldn't count like Bloody Murder or Peter Rottentail


i haven't seen it but 80s Slasher flicks have -no matter how dumb they get- a nostalgic, retro factor which Stage Fright absolutely lacks. Another awful Slasher film I recall is Tobe Hooper's Toolbox Murders.


So Stage Fright isn't good because of when it came out?


I said nothing of the sort. I simply said that the 80s slasher films have a retro-cheesy quality that I appreciate, don't twist my words.
I stated why I hate this ridiculous movie in the OP.


Slaughter High rules by the way. Its so 80s and cheesy, I guarantee you would like it judging by your posts. Its one of the better forgotten slashers out there I think. My username really tells you how much I like it...


btw Just because I called out Slaughter High as bad, doesn't mean I don't like it. I appreciate a good 80s cheesiest every once in a while


The Black Christmas remake is a thousand times worse than this movie.



Agreed, Louis Bacon.


Good call, BC was incredibly bad.

"It's the Viking era."
"That explains the Laser Raptor."


It was pretty terrible but to say it's the worst slasher film ever is probably a bit extreme! I also thought of it as more of a musical than a slasher movie. I never expected it to be scary at all and it was actually gorier than I thought it would be.

Off the top of my head Demons Never Die is a slasher movie worse than this, I know I've seen more though that were also worse.


Texas Chainsaw 3D
Alice in Murderland
Cheerleader Massacre 1 & 2
A Brush With Death
Knock Knock
The Slaughterhouse Massacre
The Path of Evil
Andre the Butcher
Anything from Maverick or Brain Damage, heck Asylum too

All are far worse slasher than this film... far worse lol.
If this is the worst you have seen, I envy you.


^ this.

And even Texas Chainsaw 3D is far above those others listed. I haven't seen them all but plenty like them.
Those are far far worse and I agree, I very much envy the op if this is the worst he's seen.


Plenty of worse slasher films than this. Doesn't even come close to consideration.




Excellent film.

"No matter where you go, there you are."


Ahhh its definately not a slasher film but a camp gore musical flick...want a slasher,stick to HALLOWEEN coz u wont find here baby.


Clearly you've not seen Silent Night, Deadly Night 1+2 lmao

The second one will make you fear garbage day for the rest off your life.


This was great. I've seen a lot worse slasher films.
