Zoom out!

I can't stand this style of filming, where it's always zoomed in so much, that you can only see their face, usually with the top of the head not even being in the picture.


It's a drama film. Close shots are essential.

would you rather have shaky cam? :P


Not like that.

"Don't get chumpatized!" - The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters (2007)


ZOOM IN! I actually enjoy these sorts of shots a lot more than those at distance. I love seeing the actor's faces up close because it makes you feel closer to the set and to them and makes you feel like you're there. Also, you can see the actor's faces with less make up and you can distinguish their features. I loved the fact that in this film you could see Evan Peter's baby-face with his freckles and shaven facial hair; and Juno Temple's imperfectly aligned teeth. But maybe that's just me, and a tad obsessive cinematographic behavior.


Why do you think you need to emphasize everything you say in bold? It's really irritating.
