Suhk -- Burmese?

Does anyone know if Ahmad's bodyguard, Suhk, is based on a historical person? I found it interesting that he's Burmese. His name doesn't sound particularly Burmese to me (nor does the actor's) and I'm wondering what, if any, stereotypes there were of the Burmese there were at the time (13th-14th century). I mean, were they thought of as warriors? My parents grew up in Burma, and I've never heard anything like that. Thoughts?


I did a quick check of the old interwebs and see that you have a good point, Maybe the Pagan Kingdom took slaves from the peoples of the South Pacific islands, Suhk looked to me like a native of the Samoa Islands than a Burmese of the 13th century..

It's common knowledge that Samoa people did travel far wide during that time and could end up in Burma pretty easy.. Good catch though..
