MovieChat Forums > Defiance (2013) Discussion > SyFy channel mistake, again

SyFy channel mistake, again

I really hate the SyFy channel. Every time they have a good, interesting SciFi, they cancel it. Yet, they keep on garbage that appeals to preteens. The only thing worse than the series they keep is the movies they make.

This show was a very interesting premise. I enjoyed watching the interchange between the species. The acting was terrific. The stories interesting. I actually looked forward to Friday nights waiting to see the next episode.

Someone said it was the worst they have seen. I guess that person doesn't watch SyFy channel. As a senior, I've watched LOTS of SciFi over the years. This show was terrific.


The first season was good. While the second and third season were garbage. This made the ratings continue to tank over the last two years. Shouldn't be surprising at all that they cancelled this poorly written show.


Different strokes for different folks. I still liked it.


Hey Opinion02122 Yes !! DEFIANCE was a great and a fantastic show !! It was one of the very best on T.V. nowadays and there are a ton of shows to pick from. I had not loved a sci fi show so much since Star Trek DS9. The characters were so rich due to the fabulous acting, great and true sci fi story lines and beautiful extraterrestrial makeup. I could go on and on. Sign all the petitions out there. I have.. It's worth a shot to try and get it back. There are like 3 or 4 petitions that people like you and I trying to get it back on. The person who wrote so negatively about the show has no sense of true and fun sci fi. not even worth responding to. Now I feel lost in space now that I do not have my show to look forward to and to know they have cancelled it. I hope at least some good novel writers continue the canon of DEFIANCE !!


I was one of those writing against the original StarTrek being cancelled! LOL I wrote to the SyFy channel about Defiance, but I doubt it will do any good. There have been several really good SciFi series that never had a chance. They got cancelled before they got going. SO disappointing. I hope they reverse their decision. It seems like they haven't many SciFi fans in their programming groups! And the SySy channel seems to have immature idiots on theirs, producing movies like Sharknado! GRRRRRR.


Yea, that it is funny. I also wrote syfy channel like 5 times this year pushing for Defiance and of course they never responded this year. I wrote them last year also a number of times and they did respond like 3 times. They responded, because they knew they were going to renew Defiance for a 3rd season. Syfy is a bunch a butt-munchers and I had also written them to let them know that, and how disappointed I am with them and their programming and stupid movies. Why don't they put the money they put into those mega stupid movies and continue to put it into a wonderful highest rated show like Defiance? Searching on the internet it shows that it was more of a financial decision why they are not continuing the show ! It doesn't make sense. They would rather spend money on trash movies.


LOL You must be my clone! I did those things, too! I told them that the last good series they had before Defiance was Stargate SG-1 and they only took THAT on when it had already been a success on Showtime! I, too, asked that they spend their money on GOOD sci-fi series. i hate ALL the movies they've made. I can't imagine that they actually make money on them. They're worse than any "straight to video" show I've even seen! What ever taste they have is entirely in their mouths, in my opinion.


They've been breaking my heart since Farscape. I haven't trusted Syfy since.

I was a big fan of Stargate SG-1, and I would have been quite willing to keep watching 5 more years of the show. I loved the new characters and wasn't tired at all of the show. While I wasn't as big a fan of Atlantis, I don't think it got a fair shake. They were too busy spending money on the new "more serious" (meaning they thought the critics would love it) Stargate Universe and failed to give Atlantis a movie to wrap things up. And where's that hoped-for critics' darling? Two seasons and done.

I'm cool, you're cool, we're cool, thank you, good night!-My Science Project


breaking my heart since Farscape
Too true. What I have read all seemed to say the sets were struck (demolished) before the show's cancellation was actually announced.
Somewhere out in the internet (zergnet I believe) is a story about the dumbest things done by studios that accidentally cancelled series. The original TV BATMAN series was cancelled, and another network wanted to buy the series, the talent's contracts, and the sets, and make new shows, and during the days of negotiations over price, etc., someone demolished the sets, and the deal was OFF! No more BATMAN.
I wonder if the 'brains' at the channel thought they could follow the path paved by the STAR TREK franchise with the many movies made? SERENITY was made after FIREFLY too...
Just in case, do you know THE PEACEKEEPER WARS was actually made to wrap up FARSCAPE? (I have seen it as a 2-disc DVD set, and it is good, and not so different from SERENITY in the end... And was also made in response to fans requests.)

was a big fan of Stargate SG-1, and I would have been quite willing to keep watching 5 more years
Besides needing another serious threat to the galaxy, or two, having to be discovered and defeated, the actors were not as physically up to so many episodes, and so much action. There should have been a great deal of ugly fallout from the Ori to deal with too. At least several of the main characters had shown the actor's real age was hurting the earlier action work that helped establish the series. I do not know for sure, but I believe Amanda Tapping (Carter) had at least one pregnancy 'shot around'. If that is true, actors leave the business, or take reduced schedules to be with their growing family.
And do you remember a SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE skit of STAR TREK TOS where Kirk called 'Bones' off set to come over to him, and a 'red shirt' rolled out a skeleton in a wheelchair to the voice saying "Dammit Jim, I'm a corpse, not a doctor!"?

Then there is the very real issue of salary for the actors... Do you think the show was as popular as FRIENDS to be able to afford six figures an episode like that show?
And I had wondered if Browder and Black came as a package deal from FARSCAPE, and/or to replace Anderson and Tapping.

too busy spending money on the new "more serious" (meaning they thought the critics would love it) Stargate Universe and failed to give Atlantis a movie to wrap things up. And where's that hoped-for critics' darling? Two seasons and done.
As I remember, the rebooted BSG (Battlestar Galactica) was quite a hit around that time, and its dark tone was similarly played in SG-U. Perhaps they did miscalculate on money, and couldn't do an ATLANTIS movie... Would they 'fess up? Not likely.


I own Peacekeeper Wars. I just watched it. Made me wish for one more season. Heh

I think the last two seasons of SG-1 were meant to be a spinoff of a new show called Stargate Command or something like that. I would have been OK with some of the older characters leaving at that point, like Carter. I don't think Chris Judge would have left though. Regardless, Browder could have carried the show forward. It would have been interesting to see where things were going after the Ori defeat. The study of belief, religious choice, subjugation, etc. was pretty interesting for a fun, fairly light sci-fi show.

At least the show went out while it was still popular, instead of needing to be put down. Heh. Aaand it got TWO movies to wrap up some story lines. Although, you know there HAD to be some Baal clones that never got caught. They're out there somewhere.

Claudia Black was on the show first, and they liked her character so much, they thought it would be fun to bring her back. I think they were looking around to see who could carry on, and Browder was available and a sci-fi fan favorite. And he fit in with the crew.

I miss those two.

I know Richard Dean Anderson had to slow down due to health issues and wanting to be closer to his young daughter.

I spent waaaay too much time listening to the voice overs and reading blogs about this show.


And you're right that the writers thought SG-U would pick up the BSG fans. But they alienated the fans who carried them through 10-plus years of success with the other shows. I don't think it was all the spin-off either, although I never could connect with the characters. It just didn't feel like Stargate and the marketing was pretty snotty to the traditional Stargate fans.
Off Topic:

I kept up with Amanda Tapping by watching Sanctuary. It didn't live up to its promise, but it was an interesting show. I think she's mostly doing directing these days.

I met her and the main cast, writer and director of Sanctuary at a fundraising convention in Vancouver. She is really nice. They all were really. Some surprises: Christopher Heyerdahl plays some creepy characters on TV and in movies, but in person he has this gentle, quiet grace about him. And Robin Dunne is quite funny and personable in person. I thought his Sanctuary character was a bit bland, but the actor definitely isn't. And Ryan Robbins, also of Falling Skies, is a really nice guitar player and singer.

I'm cool, you're cool, we're cool, thank you, good night!-My Science Project


I completely forgot about Universe until I saw the actor on Defiance who played the US Astronaut who was really the alien assassin.


The first season was good. While the second and third season were garbage.

I wouldn't say that. I thought all of season 2 and the first half of season 3 were amazing. But then the show fell off a cliff as soon as the writers killed off the head of the VC. All that buildup for nothing.

Emojis=💩 Emoticons=


3rd season it went to *beep* First season was good. Not great. 2nd season it went downhill but it was forgivable. Decent overall idea, a good setup but ultimately it just failed to be interesting. It was pretty sad watching them all mail it in for the 3rd season.


Syfy is run by a bunch of idiots and this will be the last time I give them a second of my time (unless they come up with something truly groundbreaking, the likelihood of which being zero). I'm still in disbelief about Defiance weeks later and I don't know where I'll be getting my scifi fix now.


We are right there with you mm-p-18. I can't stand to pass the channel or glance at the guide and see what is on. The only thing I am up in the air with is watching their mini series of (Childhood's End ) by Clarke. But, I really do not want to give them any leverage, because I am also still soooo pissed at that idiot crew of SyFy !


Silly Futility...
I keep looking at the TV line-up, and there are so few even sci-fi related shows in their schedule, I would even vote to make them change their name.
Good grief, even if there are no robots or aliens, there are no dragons or hobbits either. I can see more sci-fi on the "oldies" channels! One of those played LABYRINTH in memory of David Bowie!

I would have suggested FALLING SKIES on a competing network, but that too has ended. Even though it is more like a "techno-thriller", PERSON OF INTEREST is not bad with rival A.I.s. If you are able/willing to suspend most knowledge of real world things, SCORPION has some interesting ideas, but do not expect reality of most things. Example: last episode had a bomb vest on a woman with half a pound of C-4, and the geniuses cut a steel plate to slide under the vest, and enclosed her in "ballistic gel" apparently made from Jello. The bomb went off, and she only got a couple cracked ribs and some cuts. right.

There is the remote chance you might like one or two of the live-action comic book series... Apparently Disney has 50% ownership of the X-Men and "mutants", so other names are being used in place of "mutants". Do not be too surprised.


Defiance was a pile of schtako. The show was already frakked when they decided to make that word.

If Ari Gold saw Chappie he would say:
"Chappie makes Elysium look like Citizen ƒvcking Kane"


All the money is going to The Expanse. And it looks considerably better than Defiance already.


I saw the preview show. It looks promising. But I wish they took off their crappy movies and series and left Definace on. I find they only keep SciFi shows that are tongue in cheek, or down right comic, with sexual innuendos in almost every situation. I hate those. I find them juvenile. It's like the Three Stooges. All the men I know LOVE them. And all the women I know hate them.

I found Defiance to be very interesting and looked forward to Friday nights. I like the stories and the actors.


My guess is counter programming. They probably only have a certain number of slots for new productions of each sub genre. So that juvenile stuff will be replaced by other juvenile stuff, and the harder sci-fi stuff will be replaced by other harder sci-fi.


I wish that were true, but history has shown it not to be so. Their programmers seem to LIKE the silly stuff. It must be the demographic they're aiming at. I WISH there was a REAL SciFi channel with quality SciFi 24/7.


I just found out about the show being canceled and am downright sad about it. I found that finally all the great actors in it had found a real chemistry with each other and it felt like we were moving towards a great climax. I would have expected the next season to be the last and to give the show a worthy conclusion, but Sci-Fi decided to pull the plug...again.

I bet if they had announced it as being renewed for one more/last season, a lot of interest would have been stirred about how it all ends. This show had bad episodes, no doubt. It didn't always captivate me, but particularly the last season was really entertaining and fun, yet bordered on becoming a really dark tale at the same time. I will miss Defiance and all these shows popping up and getting renewed or cancelled on a season-to-season basis are starting to fatigue my interest.

You can always tell when a show is about to get canceled when you see people who played a main character suddenly appearing as side characters or even main cast in other shows...happens a lot to the shows I watch and whenever I see them in a major role elsewhere, I go: "oh no, not again!"


This show had a great plot, and great fleshed out characters. What a sad cancel by syfy.


I only watched a few episodes of season 1. The show seemed like a total joke to me. The syfy channel wasted a lot of money on this show. recall that this show even has a failed video game that was supposed to be integrated into the show but that never worked out.


It took me a couple of episodes to start liking it, myself. But, then I was hooked. I really liked the characters. As far as a game version....I hate that stuff.


I tried rewatching the first episode a couple of months ago and found it terrible, too. This show slowly reached its peak and the last season was probably only 2nd best to season 3. But characterwise a lot of things started shaping up in the (now) final season. And a lot of the actors became more than just the usual black/white hero/villains they were made out to be. They all had good motivations, and I though Jamie Murray and Tony Curran really stole the show and were great actors for their roles.

I'm certain they will all show up again somewhere else soon, but I guess this show was getting too spread out into to many main stories that all seemed equally important, while the actual invasion theme was not treated as seriously as it should have. It did feel like the writers were struggling between the plot driven invasion scenario and the (to me) more interesting, character driven personal stories of deceit and madness.

I like a show to get an ending. For example, I always loved how "Space Above and Beyond" treated its final episode, after finding out the show was gonna get canceled. If at least shows today were given a chance to finish what they started - even if it ends in no happy way, it's great to have a conclusion. Shutting them down like this just doesn't seem right.


recall that this show even has a failed video game that was supposed to be integrated into the show but that never worked out.

I was in a Game Stop store around the time the game was about to be released for sale, and the store staff did not have a good opinion of it. They apparently had an early copy they had been "testing out".
As I remember the early write-ups, a part of the game's intended purpose was to have additional stories to the TV series, which would fill in characters and events of the show. Sort of like series crossovers, and only one of the series is available to view later on... An example is the THREE'S COMPANY crossover to the start of THE ROPERS series spinoff; you can not find THE ROPERS until it started being run on one of the "oldies" channels, and those two or three episodes are not shown with THE ROPERS, or in the THREE'S COMPANY box sets. One of the "oldies" channels ran those episodes twice, and I didn't get to see either one completely. That just stinks.
The gamers I know were less than impressed with the game, and that was pretty much the end of that.

And that may be why the character development was lacking in the earlier part of the series...


now that the evil and bloated COMCAST own UNIVERSAL, who knows what goes on in those rotting little minds


Didn't know that! FYI, If you're looking for SciFi, I found Comet TV today. Never saw it before. It's a new SciFi channel from MGM. Old shows and movies.


This show was almost equal to Firefly to me! Had some similarities (in all the best ways possible) to it. But had a spice of its own. So many interesting characters. And yes, the acting was pretty terrific! I only recently found out about this yeah, the pain.
