I love to hate Disney

I didn't really comprehend some details of the film. But I know one thing: I hate Disney. I thought much of this was a realistic portrayal of Disney but displayed in an extreme, twisted manner. I've always believed Disney tries to sort of brainwash you into thinking you're in a magical place where dreams come true and deep down they've got something much bigger they're scheming.



Yup, Disney can go and suck a dick.


Here's my take: I basically hate most of Disney. But I still like Disneyland. I was born and raised in Southern California, went to Disneyland once a year, every year, growing up. My family didn't have money, we never ate there, we never bought souvenirs, balloons, hats, they used to have promotions where my dad's employer got us in discounted, we loved the rides and running around the place. It was never as crowded in the 1970's like it is today. We never went in the summer and never on weekends. Ditching school on a rainy day in February? Heaven on Earth! Great memories. When my kids were little we had annual passes, we would go for a couple of hours maybe twice a month. Good times.

It must be a total nightmare for out-of-town tourists. The place is expensive as hell, just to enter, then to eat or drink anything, the crowds are insane, the kids are overstimulated and freaked out. I would go nuts. That's the reality that this film should have focused on, not the imagined nefarious characters like the body disposal guy, the Siemens scientist, etc. He didn't even have to lose his job. The actual experience, coupled with the marketed expectations, could easily destroy a marriage and a family.


Yeah, it's a sick nightmare and the embodiment of a perverted philosophy. Pure escapism. Give people an easy sub-conscious outlet for their desires, then feed the energy back to them in a masturbatory loop. The ultimate bread and circus distraction that attempts to cover all bases of the family and divide them from each other into individual fantasy worlds, then when they are weak and alone, exploit them for money, making them pay more and more each time to progress in the fantasy world, while outside of the matrix their bodies and souls atrophy, and the definition of love is reduced to electrical impulses, triggered again and again until death.


Settle down.


A sedentary lifestyle is death.
