MovieChat Forums > Escape from Tomorrow (2014) Discussion > This movie is amazing and misunderstood

This movie is amazing and misunderstood

1.5 stars on Netflix, 5.2 on IMDb - and judging from the reviews, I have to say I don't think people understood this film, but I found it marvelously articulate in its symbolism and it's understanding of life, as an emotional interdependent mental state, that Heaven and Hell are what we make them, the geography remains the same, but how we perceive it and experience it only changes... in the end, Disneyland/world represented both heaven and hell, in life it was Hell... and in death it was Heaven... what an extraordinary film.

Its a great film, able to be read on so many levels, both abstract and practical.



No it's not.

You used words like "great" and "extraordinary" that should be reserved for films like Citizen Kane, not this piece of garbage. People throw around words like that way to easy. Sure, you liked it, that's fine. We all have different taste, but great? Not even close.

The acting alone keeps it from being great. You can't tell me you thought that was good acting. Impossible.

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Not sure if it was extraordinary, it was a great film though. I watched it as a comedy and I have not laughed so hard - much more than some of the other highly rated comedies of recent years.


I'm one of the ones giving this a low rating. I appreciate the moxie to make the movie, but that only gets you so far. I don't understand the film....because it is not well written or though-out. Really good films take you in: this one stands away from you, and not because of the B & W photography or imagery. It's easy to be surreal and cryptic. Being coherent is another matter.

It's not a very good film, and that is on the creators, not me.


