Escape From Tomorrow (2013)

After reading just a few quick things on this and how it was similar to both The Shining and Eraserhead (two of my favorite horror films ever), I was quite excited for this. It looked like an indie experimental horror film that I would love. Sadly, while I think there are some very interesting things in here, or things that could be interesting, it never really amounted to much. Not enough horror, not enough intrigue. I think the acting was solid and the story decent enough, I just wish it had gone to further places, done more stuff with the concept. It's not bad and it's sort of really memorable, thanks to some eerie, effective scenes, but I can't really say I liked it overall. Mixed on it.
C's just way too indie, if that makes sense- Jasonreitamanphase on why Mud was just OK


Way too indie doesn't make sense, it just wasn't that great.

I have seen pure indie flicks that were better then anything I have seen on the "generic" big screen. Some indie films, especially when coming from an arthouse perspective just miss their mark. This one, while it had potential missed its mark. More due to bad acting and a incoherent script though.

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Way too indie what? That's my signature, has nothing to do with this film's just way too indie, if that makes sense- Jasonreitamanphase on why Mud was just OK


Fantastic film. One of the best of this decade.

"No matter where you go, there you are."
