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The Latest Patch Reduces Attack Speed % Of Items

Items that grant increases in attack speed (such as rings) have all had a reduction in %. I had two rings that granted 10% attack speed increases each (important for melee fighters), that have been cut down to 5% each. Thanks Blizzard, you bunch of kunts.

§ Humans! You're not worth the flesh you're printed on! §


Same here Blizzard just messed it up real bad, didn't they?

Not only are repair costs now 500x higher, you can't kill as efficiently as before. Thus, your survivability drops. Thus, your fun drops.
If they were so concerned about the zerg tactic, why not just reset the champion packs' health after you or your party dies? Increasing repair costs will affect not only those people but the common players in general. No fun there either.

Oh well, rant over for now.


One of the reasons I liked D2 and D3 is the way you can try different strategies/skills and see what works best. When playing the Barbarian, I've found that increasing attack speed can even trump total damage as far as survivability. I think it may have something to do with the fact that when you're striking enemies that have surrounded you, they are stunned for just a split second and can't immediately retaliate. So you end up taking less overall damage. But now with this reduction in attack speed (it wasn't just rings, it was all items, like gloves, weapons, etc.) I'm really starting to get my ass kicked. Not just by the bosses either.

I've heard others mention that they believe Blizzard wanted to make D3 more gear dependent, in order to increase micro-transactions at the auction house to increase revenue. If that's the case, then I'm really disappointed. Especially if they keep introducing patches that make us weaker, changing the rules along the way. Really cheap, Blizzard. Really cheap.....

§ Humans! You're not worth the flesh you're printed on! §
