Really annoying ...

Why do all the "young" people portrayed in movies have to act like complete
jerk offs? They are always insulting each other. On the way back from the
liquor store after stealing and leaving the shopping cart the one guy throws
his beer bottle into the woods, then his "friend's" cell phone.

This is so common in movies, all young people have to act like anti-social
thugs, and yet we are supposed to believe they think nothing of it and
really love each other.

That was in the space of a minute or two, so I just shut if off. They have to do
that in movies because they just have nothing to say and they have to tweak
people in the audience.

Very bad movie .... 2/10.


Yeah, throwing the beer bottle into the woods was annoying.

The buddy sees the police tape and sign on the ground, and duh...what happened?

I'm maybe 10 minutes in, and I think the shaky cam is going to make me turn it off.
