MovieChat Forums > Ripper Street (2013) Discussion > Didn't understand the last Jackson/Caitl...

Didn't understand the last Jackson/Caitlin AKA Susan scene (spoilers)

I understand Susan was in jail for the robbery and all its attendant and ensuing crimes but was Jackson in with her or was he just visiting ? He sat next to her and very resignedly said "for better or for worse". If he was in jail too - why ?


Bearing in mind that Jackson summarily executed a man in broad daylight and in front of dozens of witnesses in series one, I find it unlikely he could ever be convicted of anything, even litter dropping.

Thus I think he means he'll stand by his wife whatever happens to her... and IMO realistically, she'd most likely be found guilty of (or conspiracy of) causing multiple deaths in the train crash- not to mention the attempted murder of Reid - and hanged. I can't see her merely being sent to prison, that just wasn't the sentence of the times where unlawful death was concerned.


My understanding was that she was going to be executed after giving birth.


She'll be Even-Longer Susan after she goes to the rope!

"No man yet found drinks his tea blacker"


I found it a little strange too, but Jackson was wandering around free as a bird in the station prior to that, so I'm sure he was just visiting with her. The 'better or worse' thing meaning he'll stand by her, and i'm assuming will raise the child etc. as she'll most certainly be hanged.

I wanna know what the deal was with her dad...they're going to leave him there to starve to death or are they going to keep him like Matilda was kept? lol dumb question I know, but it irks me


They left him to his fate. They told him the builders would be coming back in four weeks to start construction -- much too long for anyone to survive without food and especially without water. Daddy is definitely doomed.
