Cast moving on

Just saw J. Smith Cameron in the film Christine. Sweet and caring. About the Florida reporter who took her own life on-air. A sad, sad film worth seeing.

JD Evermore - Saw the trailer for Live by Night. He's prolly the best thing about it.

We know what "Amantha's" up to.

Any others we can see in productions right now?

Some Tweet, some don't. The ones that do graciously reply to questions about their work. They are busy, so much gratitude to them for that.

Go see Manchester-by-the-Sea, written/directed by "Janet's" husband. The Boston accent is off, but otherwise a good, five-hanky film.


I wonder what Aden Young is doing these days? I see from IMDb that he had a movie open in October called "The Unseen", but I don't recall seeing trailers about it. Oh well, just wondering.


october is still pretty early for trailers,
i still need to watch the killer elite

i wanna know what ray mckinnon is doing next,


I apologize. I should have elaborated. I meant October 2016. And from what I read on IMDB it opened in Canada. Your stomping ground (as we/I say). I may be wrong, but I believe you said you lived in Canada.


looks interesting, although i am sure paul verhovens hollowman is better,
i don't think it has had wide release, cuz i can't seem to find it anywhere, doesn't even have a wikipedia page, ill keep an eye out



What makes you happy besides your boys Teddy Jr. and Trump?


don't forget the senator!!!

