MovieChat Forums > Earth to Echo (2014) Discussion > So the budding engineer is scared of the...

So the budding engineer is scared of the sentient Robot.

Ya, that is really astute character definition... Talk about sticking to one dimension. He would have been the first one to investigate it.


the more you understand something the more you respect and potentially fear something. how that is expressed is down to the personality which can be unrealated to interests. i can't say i really agree with your observations.


the more you understand something the more you respect and potentially fear something

That's an absurd sentiment. I'm guessing you're religious, and in no way related to science.


i'm referring to things like the ocean or electricity or cars, or anything that can kill you.


You clearly have no idea what the scientific process is. That statement is nonsense. Do you think troglodytes weren't afraid of lightning, earthquakes, and flash floods? Drop your bible and come to reality.


The prohlems with yoru psot here ar many. The firts problem is, Troglodytes fear Lightning, Earhtquakesm and Flahs Floods based on what they do know and understand, that these things can hurt or even kill them. It doesnt take deep understandign of their csuses to understand that.

The seocnd is the whoel "Drop yor Bibes" bit. Not only is no onw quotign the Bible, but there is no Reasn to asusme that beleivign n the Bibel mean syou don't knwo Science.

It seems your just another Miulitant Atheist who wants ot attack Christianity for no Reaosn and think that is what makes you Scinetific and Ratinal.


That's an absurd sentiment. I'm guessing you're religious, and in no way related to science.

If you don't know anything about electricity you aren't going to think it might kill you.
Seems like the only one here making decisions based on faith is you.


You clearly have no idea what the scientific process is. The statement is nonsense. Do you think troglodytes weren't afraid of lightning, earthquakes, and flash floods? Drop your bible and come to reality.


by chris-wulfers ยป 4 (Wed Oct 15 2014 12:46:31)
You clearly have no idea what the scientific process is.

You are the one who started going off on "science." No one else used that term until you tried to use it climb a high horse. For someone who thinks he knows what the scientific method is you seem to be all too eager to hide behind made up dogma.


You're the one being a jackass, at no point did the person who responded to you mention religion or the bible. Intelligent people tend to be cautious and avoid injury in the first place, ignorant people tend to be reckless and only learn after getting severely burnt. Recklessness is hardly scientific either.


The idea that Science and Religion are polar opposites and that you have to reject one to beleiv ein another is ignorant, so is the idea that Relgion opromoes Ignroance. Then again, I always maintaind tgat those hwo hate Relgiion the most have just created their own Relgiion, that is even mroe Iorniclaly exacltythe same kidn of unthinking, unquestionable authoritarian Midntrap they accuse others of beeuvign in.


Okay, but why were you typing this response during an earthquake?


I'm dyslexic.
