I Give Up *spoilers*

I keep falling asleep, and I'm not trying a fourth time. If this has a plot, someone please spoiler it for me.

ION, I've found a magnificent soporific.


Okay she is basically being held there by medical professionals trying to get her to remember a formula that she helped develop with her co-worker. It didn't work a blew up the laboratory and released a virus unknown by mankind. It's eating away at her brain making it harder each day to make new memories. The doctor treating her belives that faking being held captive playing music showing photos can help trigger her memory and thus finish the formula. We find out that this is her fifth time through and as the clock is about to run out and she'll have no memory of what's just happened she agrees to go through a sixth time.


Wish I had read your summary before watching this horrific film! Soooo painfully slow, soooo painfully boring.
