Favourite Lines

What are your favourite lines from this series?

Mine are:

Vera - "Lennart...Lennart..."

Hubot who thinks Hans is hiring Odi for sex - "The rear end is open"

Fred to Gordon - "Do it for Flash, Gordon"


The whole thing with Odi in the last episode was hysterical. The rear end comment you mentioned and the fact that they kept him in that outfit at the hospital, *beep* awesome.

I also made a gif out of one of my other favorite segments http://imgur.com/gallery/yIOjgv4

-- Den som vinkar till den blinde, han gör fåfängt arbete.


Lennart to Odi: No... i dont want to "chill" *opens a beer*

Lennart till Odi: Neee... ja vill inte "chilla" *knäpper en bärs*

oh the irony ^.^

"It's beer o'clock. Where's my riot?"


In Series 2. I don't remember the exact dialogue, but there's a scene with Silas, Odi and Roger, where Odi mindlessly lists all the things he can do, and Roger gets fed up and goes: "Be quiet." Odi: "I can be quiet too. [small pause] And I can talk. And I can [continues listing up stuff he can do]".

Also the scene where Silas is trying to teach Odi how to start the count down whenever a game set starts at Hub Battle Land, teaching him how to talk through the mic in a deep, cool voice. In one of the following episodes, there's a continuity of that, where Odi announces something like: "LET THE BATTLE BEGIN, BITCHEEEES!", with his usual clueless and cheerful Odi-expression.

All scenes with Rick in Hub Battle Land. He's so dramatic. The fact that he refers to all humans as "Roger", and how he tells Yuma: "It's not personal. It's war." How he keeps running around with that Deer Hunter-esque red band on his head, how he stashes baby dolls to protect them from all the Rogers, how he runs around with a gun and a baby. Just Rick's general transformation in Hub Battle Land. Hilarious.

Also all scenes with Vera. One of the first scenes in Season 2, where Hans checks her for infected files, and jokes with her: "Oh my, it looks like we need to dispose of you." Just the deadpan look on her face, Hans laughing, and a vast silence following it. Also another scene when Hans wakes up and Vera is staring at him and inquiring him about Lennart. Hands down, Vera is another great hubot character next to Rick and Odi, as is the nice touch of her involvement in Hub Battle Land, running around in camo uniform and a baby.

Huh, signature? What's going on with that signature? This thing broken...?
