Serious crap

This flick is one of those you really wonder how and why it got made, it contains everything from upspeeded car chases with tires screeching on gravel to extremely bad acting and way to long suspens scenes with bad music... do you self a favor and save that 1.30 hour for picking your nose or something else more useful then this movie


lol. I have to agree.
It's horrific ! So many continuity errors in it, it might be eligible for the Guinness book of Records !
"come let's go drink a wine". The next scene you find them eating breakfast with coffee.
Oh and the acting... *sigh* Not even mentioning the CGI.
To bad we can't vote yet until official release in July. I probably will forget to vote anyways, because in July I most likely have forgotten this piece of manure ever existed.


This was worse than a "I got a mortgage to pay" film!!! You have to suspend your ability to suspend disbelief to watch this-I got stuck with it because I am laid up with a broken foot and can't drive to the Redbox and get something decent... CGI, someone mentioned-done by a film school drop out? The acting was beyond wooden, too. The Aussies were cool though-even the douche Hendricks.

Everything I ever needed to know I learned from Gibbs and House!


Thank God for Redbox. Cross this gagger off the list. And please, Cuba Gooding Jr. please for the love of God quit now while you are ahead. How does he go from Men of Honor to this crap.

I guess Ty Hungerford liked to marry women with moles.


You know, I think some people just love to hate on Cuba Gooding Jr and to pull that guy down. For some reason they just don't like him. My sister just watched this show last night and was raving about it, so much so that I'm searching to see when it's on again. I decided to come here to see what was said about it, and I see all this negativity. I plan to watch it myself, but I have a feeling it is just as good as she says, and that people are just too negative, especially with an actor that they don't like.

RIP Lee Thompson Young. Too young and gone too soon!


I truly hope you get to watch it.. maybe search netflix or redbox. And if you read my post based on content, it is not about bashing Cuba, it is to say that he is much better than to attached is name to this crap.


tweillis, in all fairness I haven't seeen it yet, so I'm going to reserve my own judgment until I do see it.

This is my signature and I'm sticking to it. LOL


Have fun, watch it, let me know..


Totally agree. The worst movie I have seen this year and probably the worst acted pieces of crap in my life. And that main actress (I refuse to even know what her name is) - I just wish somebody would wipe that annoying smile of her plastic face.


Come off it, it was a good movie. Seems to be made for TV but it certainly isn't "serious crap". Emmanuelle Vaugier is great in it, and there is a good rapport between her character and that of Cuba Gooding Jnrs. There was nothing wrong with the acting at all. It was very natural with Australian accents and normal behaviour all around.


If I read and took every criticism on this website seriously I would never go to the movies and never watch anything on TV. The negativity is overwhelming. Someone on another thread said that this movie stinks with Emmanuelle Vaugier being a much better actress than she showed in this movie. This person said that she was much better in "Two and a Half Men." What? Two and a Half Men is a raunchy, foul show. That show is "serious crap." The point being that someone is criticizing this movie and admitting they watch Two and a Half Men is really incongruous.

I'm watching this movie right now and will probably go to bed without watching the second hour. It doesn't look all that bad and neither does it look all that good.
